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Scott went limp, letting the vines finish whatever work they already attempted to do.

"Oh c'mon Scott! Why have you stopped fighting? So so boring~" Xornoth said, standing up. Scott twitched one last time, it looked to be an attempt to shake his head.

As Scott finally let go fully, his body went cold, ice cold. It iced over. The vines inched away from Scott's body and crawled back to Xornoth. The demon now watched that magical ice melt away to show burns where the vines had first touched. Raw red lines covered his face, arms, and legs, and even parts of his clothes were burnt away.

The smallest part of Xornoth felt a little sorry. But now, once Scott woke up, they could be together. Demon brothers.

The vines inched back towards Scott and suddenly a wall of ice blocked them from each other. Xornoth faltered and reached forward, but spikes grew from the ice, reaching out towards him and he winced back.


Scott pushed himself into a shaky sitting position. He wasn't gone yet, though they'd both thought he was. He was probably more surprised than Xornoth that he was moderately fine-

He shakily got to his feet, the ice wouldnt grow anymore, though he tried to raise it and keep it between him and Xornoth. It didn't work and it stayed low.

"Come get me yourself, brother." he hissed, visibly trembling.

Scott was in no condition to fight. None at all. Xornoth would overpower him.

The demon didn't venture forward.

Scott decided he'd need to then. He stepped around the ice and tried to conjure up a little power for when he approached his brother. A wave of heat swept over him.

His power wasn't working. He was warm.

Scott was warm.

299 words

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