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As I neared Rivendell I smiled, landing by the church. It was colder here than down by Lizzies place, and the air wasnt as wet or salty from the ocean. Instead, crisp and cold, like ice. I walked down the path

"Scott?" No reply. Where was he? I sighed.


I checked everywhere in Rivendell, now I sat outside his house. He hadn't answered the door when I knocked. I stood up, slowly opening the door and stepping inside the base. I closed the door softly, then called for Scott again. Still, there was no reply.

I searched the base, finally, standing outside Scotts bedroom door, I knocked- I mean, even if he was probably out right now, that was still his room- you cant just barge in someone's personal area like that. There was no answer, so I opened the door, it was dark and quiet.

I looked around, the room was decorated nicely, one wall had some dark pictures covering it- I blinked, what were they? A map maybe? There was a candle on the nightstand beside the bed so I walked over. Before I could find something to light the flame I noticed a book on the bed, just out- waiting to be read.

I took the book, sitting down on the bed and opening it. I couldnt see anything on account of not having lit the candle, so I now closed the book and did so. Finally, I could see well.
I opened the book again, the first page said nothing. It was blank. I flipped the page, blank. Three, four, five, it was blank. Nothing, Empty. I sighed, a bit disappointed. Now I stood up, turning around towards the wall from earlier-

The book fell to the floor in a shuffle of pages. I walked over to the wall, pictures of me, strewn across the wall. To be honest it looked pretty aesthetic- I shook my head. Some of the pictures had hearts- obsessed a bit dude?

I rolled my eyes, they caught on a knife. The knife was pinning one of the pictures to the wall. I walked over to it, the knife was stuck right in my head- ow- I rubbed my forehead, where it was in the picture. The picture in question seemed to be me laughing, I was wearing a blue outfit, blue and red, with the usual white "S", also a flower crown of- red. The picture was ripped, someone was standing beside me, but who?

I pulled the knife out of the wall, grabbing the photo as it fell. there was a clean cut through it, where the knife had been stuck, I placed the knife on the desk, right next to what seemed to be the other half of the picture. I picked that up too, holding the both by the candle, it was Scott? When had this been taken- I didnt remember it.

Scott was wearing a white t-shirt with yellow stripes on it lengthwise, also a jean jacket, he had a matching flower crown in yellow. He seemed to be telling a joke, thats why I was laughing- but how did he get this picture, if it was a picture of both of us... I shook my head, blowing out the candle, then picking up the book. Time to go home.

As I got to the door of the room I paused, would Scott miss to book? Or realize the picture was gone? Yeah, probably. I just hoped it wasn't too important or I was probably gonna be shot with ice.


I blinked as I stepped outside the room, it was a lot lighter out here. I had shoved the pictures in my pocket,
and I was holding the book close, as if my life depended on holding it.

"Now what were you doing in there?" I froze, looking up a bit to the person talking...

650 words

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