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I ran, hiding behind a village house, my wrist hurt so bad. My wrist was swollen, and rapidly turning purple, like a bruise. I tried to touch it, but the smallest amount of weight shot pain through me

"Oh my god-" I gasped as ice shot through the wall behind me, coming from- me. My arm wasn't okay. I sat down in the snow, bringing my knees to my head. Maybe I was out in the open but who cared at this point? I just wanted it all to be gone.

They might find the crystal.

I stood up, stepping around a corner to almost run into Jimmy. He looked at me for a second, and I tried to run; but Jimmy grabbed my injured wrist.

I yelped in pain, ripping my arm away, and Jimmy stepped back. I tried to glare, doing my best to keep fear from my eyes as I pulled my arm close to my chest, like I was hugging it.

"Scott- are you okay?" he sounded concerned, but scared, like I could well- shoot ice and kill him.

"Im fine." I began to walk away again,

"WHY DO YOU HATE ME?!" his voice shot through me, I paused turning towards him.

"I don't hate you Jimmy, I love you." I took Jimmy's silence, his surprise, as a chance to run. (and he runs and he runs and he runs /lyr) Jimmy followed. Of course. I stopped, giving myself up. "We need to find the crystal." I said, Jimmy looked confused

"What?" I turned to him.

"We need to go back to my house, not Rivendell, this one." I explained. "The crystal is hidden, so the evil cannot escape."

"But you're-?" I cut Jimmy off

"I am not the demon, Jimmy. Xornoth is my brother."


305 words

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