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Scott was warm.

"Why have you faltered, brother?" Xornoth challenged as Scott paused. Scott glared at them, his gaze remained icy and cold, despite the feverish heat washing over his body. "Scared?"

Scott tried again to make any power flow through him, but sweat dripped down the side of his face. Nothing he could do was working, and the warm was becoming hotter second by second.

The ice prince fell once more, he hit the ground hard, then covered his head with his arms as his brother approached.

Suddenly, between his arms, he watched his brother's head swivel up, then the demon slunk away, leaving Scott alone in the field his last memory being a blur of approaching footsteps and whispering yells that seemed so very far away before he passed out.



The truth came out, the Empires remembered who Xornoth really was and how he was different than Scott. Jimmy stayed by Scott's side until the elf woke up, still in pain from this warmth he'd never felt before. It left him achy in the same way that cold does a person who's outside in cold weather for too long without proper protection.

He finally opened his bleary eyes and the cod at his side literally squeaked, bouncing off the bed in surprise. Scott laughed, just a little bit.

"Scott! Scott you're awake! You made me so worried- me and the others. Obviously the others. Like why would I care? Like Lizzie cares and- and Gem and Krsiten and-" Jimmy was a hot mess. He'd thought for a long time about what he wanted to say to Scott, and now that the other was okay, he was left speechless.

"It's okay, Jimmy." He said, his voice scratchy "Can you get me some water or something? With ice."

"With ice! Of course!" Jimmy laughed a little bit, then quickly scurried off to get the drink, which he came back with moments later and handed to the other.

Scott took it, already having sat himself up while they were away, and sipped the water. The cold felt good, but it was no match for the heat of his hands, which were already slowly, but obviously melting the ice in the cup, as Jimmy, from experience with getting Scott's drinks, had filled it with a lot of ice, then a bit of water.

"Oh yeah. You're hot." Jimmy commented offhandedly, reaching for the cup "I'll set this aside until you want more?"

Scott nodded, letting them have the cup. 'You're hot.' wow, what a way with words, Jimmy.

I think we'll end on that note... Someone tell my cat that the leg of the chair did nothing to her before she destroys it please...


440 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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