I need you

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I followed Lizzie, I really did want to find Scott, I could ask him why he disappeared. Joel just seemed to be dragged along.


We came across a village.

"Hey, guys lets stop here!" I decided, Lizzie nodded and swooped down towards the village, me and Joel following. We now split up.

I went to a house and- knocked. Why? Because I did, maybe Scott was hiding here. I could see Lizzie busting into house after house as if she were arresting someone, I laughed at my sister before opening the door to this house and stepping inside.

This definitely didn't seem to be a normal village house.

I looked around, searching the house, no one seemed to be home. Stairs, I went down the stairs. There was a small, boring, library room at the bottom. Nothing else.

I went back up the stairs, continuing to a closed door. When I got close to it, I felt cold, like a window was open... I shook my head, opening the door.

Ice cold air washed over me, it was enough to give me a headache. I looked around, ice hung from the ceiling in stalactites, the floor seemed to be frosting over, and Scott... SCOTT! He was sitting on the bed, back to me, he seemed to be hugging his knees, though I couldnt be sure.

"SCOTT!" Scott turned around quickly, hail fell around him in some sorts of happy pitter-patters.

"Jimmy! You found me!" he looked- scary. Like being alone had hurt him so much that he had gone crazy. I stepped back. "Wait! Please don't go Jimmy! I-I need you!" I shook my head, backing towards the door

"GUYS HELP! I FOUND HIM!" I hadn't realized it had left my mouth until Scott stood up from the bed, his cape flowing around him as he looked around nervously. I rushed out of the room, stopping in the hallway.


Im tired.
329 words

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