What about me?

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I shook my head no at Lizzies question. I had betrayed him. Scott was standing in the doorway of what seemed his room, the room with the ice.

I stared at him as tears filled his eyes, and shook my head again in a silent "sorry" as Lizzie hugged me, glaring at Scott. The shaking of my head would mean nothing if Joel or Lizzie caught him. He had to run- escape!

Joel walked into the house now,
"Is everything okay here? I heard yelling." Lizzie shook her head,

"Jimmy found Scott." She stared at Scott, and Joel nodded, also looking that way. But before he could move I pulled away from Lizzies hug

"You don't understand Lizzie- Scott isn't bad! He didn't hurt-" Lizzie didn't seem to listen to me,

"Joel," she looked at her husband, and he nodded again, starting to walk towards Scott. Scott stood there, until Joel was close enough to almost grab him and I yelled

"SCOTT RUN!" Scott nodded, bolting into his room, Joel followed and I ran after, hearing Lizzie follow as well.

Scott was cornered. He was by a window, but it was frozen over, he couldn't escape. I watched him punch the ice, but with a crack his hand crumpled, that didn't usually happen when he punched his ice. Unless it wasn't his.

The worst part, is now his hand sat limp. I had to help him. I ran out so I was between Scott and Joel.

"STOP IT!" Everyone froze. "HES HURT, AND ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS BRINGING HIM BACK! He obviously doesn't want to be here," I turned to Scott, he was holding his arm above his wrist, which was starting to turn a purpled color, still hanging limply. "So why?"

Tears ran down Scotts face, he pried the window open with one hand, then he just shook his head, climbing outside. I ran over to the open window but Scott had disappeared.

"Lizzie... What about me? Does he hate me?"


"Im sorry Jimmy."

337 words

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