The Book

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A while past, a day maybe? I glared at the potato, pity food. Sausage came down now, he was coming close, to pick up the potato, I stood up, walking to the iron bars. I grabbed them, they were cold to the touch. Sausage stood up, holding the 'pity food' and stared at me.

"We were allies." I said, he didn't respond, just stepped a bit closer. I took this time to grab his shirt, stepping back and pulling him forward quickly, a yank that smashed him into the iron bars, blood seeped from a puncture wound in his forehead- a what?

I reached up, around, there was a dull lump in the iron- he hit that. That probably hurt, at least it wasn't a sharp edge. I reached for his pickaxe, which was on his belt, but instead saw keys, sure, those would probably do.

I grabbed the keys, finding the right one out of the five was- challenging, but one fit, I grunted, struggling to turn the lock from the other side of the door when someones hands grabbed my arms. They pulled me up against the iron, prying the keys out of my hands. I looked at them, Joel.

"Joel- help!" I gasped as he let go, keys in hands, but he shook his head "Joel please- think about Lizzie-" He tossed the keys just out of my reach and without a word pulled Sausages limp body away. I sunk down, trying to grab the keys, but it was no use.


"So, you tried to escape?" Joeys voice sounded above me from where I just sat, facing the outside from the middle of the cell.
"Why do you care? I'm still right here." I muttered, standing up, but Joey glared.

"You could still leave! You're not as fish brained as I thought you were!" Joey grabs out the book again and stepped back again, opening the book and searching every page. A smirk set on his face, he showed me one scribbled line, in Scott's handwriting.

I love you.

I shook my head, I didn't even know who this book was for! A pang of sadness or jealousy shot through me, why?

"Whats this? A love letter? Lets see if theres any more.." I stood up, going to the bars.

"Joey, this is Scott's book! Stop! Its not your stuff!" I reached out to grab at him, but he was fairly far away. He finished flipping through, there seemed not to be anything else. Now I watched him flip it over and around, searching for something.

"Oh?" Joey giggled "Whats this?"

436 words

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