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I stared at Scott, he wasn't the demon- then? This was too confusing.

"Lets go then?" I was questioning my own sanity at this point. If Scott was lying, I was walking into a trap, if he wasn't, he had a LOT of explaining to do. He led me through the village, still holding his arm by his chest.


When we reached the house I originally found him in, Scott looked around, before quickly going down the stairs. I followed more slowly.

"Scott? This is just a-" the wall opened up, more stairs. He bolted down them, into a room with a red crystal. Or, what was left of one. The crystal was shattered, lava spilling from the ceiling, and red vines reaching around the room.

"Oh no.." Scotts whisper hit me, whatever this was, it was bad, and it was on the loose.

"Was that where the demon was?" I asked, trying to gather more information. Scott nodded, letting out a shaky breath.

"Jimmy, hide." I glanced at Scott, was that a threat or was he trying to keep me safe? I couldn't tell, but I ran up the stairs, outside, I had to find Lizzie.


As Jimmy left, I panicked, where could my brother be? Of course, I didn't need to wait long for that answer as lava began to pour from the ceiling. Xornoth's voice echoed,

"Hello brother." he said, I frantically looked around, only to be teleported away.


I woke up in a field. Corruption spread around me in a circle, closing in quickly. I glanced around, I had nothing to defend myself with.

The wines of corruption started to wrap around my legs.


Sorry its so- delayed- big lore happened in my Discord Roleplay server. Some of this next stuff WILL be based off of that too! :D
281 words

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