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He stared feverishly at the corruption inching up his legs when no one responded. The vines felt awful, and on top of that, they were warm, but to Scott, they burnt. He frantically pulled away from the vines, standing up in the large area the corruption had enclosed him in.

For everything bad about corruption, Scott noted, it left the flowers alone, not hurting them. The now glowing corruption continued inching towards him and he panicked, shooting ice at it, it landed, forming spikes that dug into the vine. The corruption wilted away. The elf's eyes flashed, thats perfect. He rushed over to the ice blast he'd made, grabbing a spike and holding it out in front of him like a sword.

"You gonna fight me, or do you need some cheesy line, like from the movies?" he asked boredly, just waving the makeshift sword around in the air. This was a bad idea as a snake of corruption retaliated by flinging itself at him and pecking his arm, the corruption only hit him once, then decided to wrap around his arm to tag along. Scott cut it off, the part that had wrapped around his arm fell limply to the ground before crawling back to the main corruption.

"THIS IS STUPID! FIGHT ME YOURSELF, BROTHER!" he yelled, the feathers of his large snowy owl wings fluffing up. In less than a moment Xornoth appeared.

"I am, brother." the demon lifted his hand and on command, the corruption sprung at Scott. The elf was caught off guard and he faltered, the corruption quickly enveloped him. "I've thought a long, long, time about this, brother." Xornoth said, not getting closer as frost seeped across the ground beneath Scott. The frost hurt normal people often, especially at time when Scott was holding a lot of emotions, like now, but it always hurt more for the demon.

"Let me go! We can talk about this- I can help you- so you're not corrupted anymore!" Scott yelled, struggling as the vines started inching up his throat.

"Do not struggle, brother. It will come either way."

357 words <3

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