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I looked up at Joey.
"Now what were you doing in there?"

"Wh-what?" I shook my head, holding the book tighter.

"I asked WHAT you were doing in there?" I backed up, into the door.

"I was looking for Scott!" I said, putting my hand up, yet keeping the other hand on the book by my chest. Joey glared,

"I think that someone on Scotts side needs help. Get over here, Jimmy." he grabbed my wrist, pulling me along, down the stairs, outside. Sausage was waiting outside the door, before I could mutter a hello he raised his arm, hitting me over the back of the head with the butt of the huge sword.

"What do you think this book is?"


I woke up, it could have been days, weeks, even months- I blinked, sitting up, I was on a hard, cold floor. When I fully sat up I saw bars. Like I was in a cell, I backed up against a wall.

I couldn't have been in here for too long if I haven't eaten in months, I would be dead, right? My stomach rumbled, a piercing pang of hunger. Joey stepped out in front of me

"Hello there Jimmy." he held a book, I stared at him

"Why-?" I asked, Joey smirked "Well, you were on Scott's side." I felt for the ring around my finger

"So what?" he held up the book, it was the book from Scotts room, he opened it, showing it

"This empty book, it means something. And you will tell me what." I shook my head

"I- I don't know- I was just looking for Scott- he was late for something-" Joey laughed, slapping the book closed, and turning away

"You will give me what I need Jimmy, or you will die." He tossed a potato towards me, it landed outside the cell, still within reach and I glared.

"Even if I knew, I would NEVER give it away to you." Joey continued to laugh as he walked away

"Thats up to you Jimmy~"

344 words

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