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(right before the memory spell)

I sighed, looking out the window of Lizzie's palace. Scott was supposed to come pick me up for- he didn't say exactly what. I twisted the gold ring around my finger, Scott had given it to me when we decided we were allies after his brother had been defeated.

I laughed softly, Scott had flown down beside me and tripped, almost falling over and sending ice shooting around himself on accident. Then he had pulled out the box, muttering a sorry before handing it to me.

Now he was nowhere to be seen.

I looked outside, a thick layer of clouds had gathered, snow swirling around them, but not falling. Scott. 'Is he okay? Was he hurt- or kidnapped?' I put on my elytra at these thoughts 'What if he needs help?' Suddenly I felt kinda tired, I sat down, dizziness hitting me, why was this happening?

(After the spell settled in)

I blinked, why was I on the floor-? Sitting up I saw the sky was clear, I stood up, where was the demon- Scott? I shook my head, wait- Scott was the demon- why did- I looked at my hand, the ring on my finger, then I took it off, shoving it in my pocket. didn't Joey and the demon have something between them? A pang of jealousy shot through me at the thought.

"I-I'll go visit Scott, that way I can see for sure." I decided, so I flew out of Lizzies base, towards Scotts icey kingdom, more well known as Rivendell.

Okay pog- good job Jim- yep. uh- great!

Heres a filler paragraph:
Scott sat on his bed, no matter how hard he tried, punching, kicking, wishing the ice away from the ceiling, it wouldnt leave. He sighed, all hope gone. He missed his friends. He missed Jimmy. But here he was, miles away from them with no way to contact any of them. He had to keep them safe.

332 words

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