What does it say?

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Well. Its been who knows how long. Im going to find Scott.

I flew to Rivendell, could I find any more clues? Nothing, then Lizzie came.

"JIMMY! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? I've been SO worried!" Lizzie hugged me, and I hugged back.

"Well- Long story- but I was kidnapped." I said and she froze, stepping back

"Who." It wasn't a question, my sister would murder whoever it had been. "Was it that demon? I'll kill Scott-" I shook my head

"No! Nono! Scott saved me! It was Joey. He said that I was on Scotts side so I should be- taught or- I don't remember." I shrugged "Im fine now! He didn't hurt me, he gave me food, its all okay." I remembered the book and pulled it out.

"I think i've gone over everything in this book but- can you check for me?" Lizzie hesitantly took the book and opened it, the pages glowed a light blue in this cool winter sunlight.

"Jimmy, its empty." She tried to hand it back

"No- Theres one page-" I pushed the book back to her. "Just tell me whatever's on it." She nodded, continuing to flip through, until she paused

"Uh- this one says something." She said, then read the page "'I Love You.' Then theres a scribbled out name- and- yours right below that." She cocked her head and I grabbed the book back, looking at it.

"No- It just says 'I Love You.' What do you mean?" She points to the blank space beneath the three words

"Right there Jimmy!" I shook my head.

Joel suddenly flew in. Lizzie waved, and Joel smiled to her, then me. I stepped back a bit, but he made no move to try to hurt me, or take me back to Joey.

"JOEL! READ THE WORDS ON THIS PAGE!" Lizzie said quickly, "Tell Jimmy that I'm right!" She handed him the book and he shrugged

"Its one word, not "words"" Joel rolled his eyes, then read the word "'Mountains.' That good?" I shook my head

"Not even Joeys version was that weird-" I muttered Lizzie sighed, taking back the book and studying it.

"Wait- Jimmy." I looked at Lizzie, who was talking "Jimmy, where did you say you got this book?" she asked, I blinked

"I didn't say." I replied.

"Well tell me!"

"Well- in one of my chests-" No- that's where I found the book of our past, shed know I was just using that as a lie.

"Thats where you got-"

"I know." I sighed "I actually got this from Scott." I said quietly, she stared

"When?" Joel was forgotten, poor dude.

"Well- soon after he disappeared." I replied, her eyes lit up

"WE CAN FIND HIM WITH THIS!" I raised an eyebrow and Lizzie turned back to Joel "You said this says mountains?" Joel nodded, Lizzie looked out across the snowy peaks

"Come on boys, we're going to find a demon."

501 words

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