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Mitchell Residence

Snow falls, and an enormous dinosaur foot comes down with a loud thud. However, as we tilt up, we reveal that the foot is actually that of an ordinary bird. It chirps, flaps its wings, and flies away.

It flies right at Y/N L/N, who is just standing there on her phone.

KAREN MITCHELL is in the driveway of a two-story suburban home, loading luggage into the back of a Nissan minivan. She turns and yells up at the house.

"Boys, let's do this!" Karen shouts. She and Y/N exchange a glance, and the older woman shakes her head before going upstairs.

In his room, GRAY MITCHELL is looking at slides of dinosaurs on his View-Master toy. He sees an Allosaurus fighting a Triceratops, then two Ray Harryhausen-animated Ceratosaurs fighting in a scene from "The Animal World." His room is filled with dinosaur and monster movie toys and posters. There's a knock on the door.

"Gray?" His mother enters the room. "Honey, what are you doing? What is this here?" She takes the View-Master away from him.

"Let's go. Come on, honey, your flight's in two hours," she says, beginning to gather his things.

"Dane County Airport is thirty-six minutes away, sixty with traffic," Gray says to her.

"How many minutes to get your little butt in the van?" She teases him with a smile. Her son smiles back. She grabs his bag, and they walk out together.

"Did you feed the monster under your bed?" She asks.

"Yes," Gray says, charging out of the front door of the house a minute later, and he runs obliviously past his older brother ZACH MITCHELL and his GIRLFRIEND.

"Call me every day. And text me pics so I don't forget what you look like," Zach's girlfriend flirts, as Y/N watches in disgust.

"She's good at flirting," Y/N says sarcastically. Karen comes out of the house and laughs at what the girl just said as they both enter the car.

"I'll only be gone a week," Zach says to her, starting to gaze into her eyes, showing no emotion for her.

In the driver's seat of the van, SCOTT MITCHELL, Gray and Zach's father, looks impatient and amused.

"Zach, you're not going off to war here. Please. Come on," Scott calls at them as they turn to the car, seeing his dad and Y/N watching them.

Y/N waves for him to come faster as Zach stares at her for a few seconds, then turns to his girlfriend

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Y/N waves for him to come faster as Zach stares at her for a few seconds, then turns to his girlfriend.

Zach and his girlfriend stare into each other's eyes.

"I--" Zach starts.

"I love you," she cuts him off. He shakes his head.

"I'll see you later," he says to her. She grins at his apparent inability to tell her he loves her.

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