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Welcome to Jurassic World

Costa Rican Dock

Gray, Zach, and Y/N are among hundreds of people boarding a ferry for Isla Nublar. The boarding ramps have Jurassic World logos on them.

"How big is the island?" Gray asks enthusiastically.

"Big..." Zach replies nonchalantly.

"But how many pounds?" Gray asks, catching both teens' attention.

"That question doesn't make sense," Y/N tells him.

"Yeah... That doesn't make sense," Zach agrees.


The boat sails across the water. Gray, Zach, and Y/N stand at the rail.

"When they first opened, they had eight species. Now they have fourteen herbivores and six carnivores," Gray says.

"That's like fifty tons of food a week," Y/N remarks.

Zach isn't paying attention; he's smiling at some pretty teenage girls on a lower deck. A few minutes later, Isla Nublar comes into view, and the ferry sails towards it.

Isla Nublar Dock

The trio disembark from the ship along with the other passengers. A PARK ANNOUNCER's voice is heard over a P.A. system.

"Welcome to Isla Nublar, home of Jurassic World. We hope you have a safe and enjoyable stay with us."

The trio stops as the announcement repeats in another language, and they see ZARA YOUNG, a bored-looking woman wearing sunglasses, holding a sign with their names on it. They don't recognize her.

"Where's Aunt Claire?" Gray asks.

"They used my nickname instead of my real name," Y/N says when she sees her name.

"Well, Y/N, it really suits you," Zach teases her. She glares at him and punches him in the arm; he rubs his arm.

"See..." Zach teases again as Y/N is about to punch him again.

"Stop flirting in front of me!" Gray gags and runs off to Zara, who is still looking for kids with the sign.

"Oh no, don't run, Gray," Y/N shouts after the boy and runs after him, as a smile spreads across Zach's face while watching the girl, and he goes after his best friend and his brother.

The trio trudges over to meet Zara. A large monorail system that traverses the park is seen in the background.


The brothers are seated side by side in the lead car of the train running along the monorail. Zach continues looking sullen and bored, crossing his arms.

Y/N sits behind Zach, looking out the window.

A gleeful Gray grins and elbows his brother, but doesn't get a response. The ever-watchful Zara, having removed her shades, is sitting behind them.

A MONORAIL ANNOUNCER is heard over the interior speakers.

"Okay, those of you in the front of the train should be able to see our main gate, built from the gate of the original park, over twenty years ago."

Excited, Gray leaps up and runs to the front, watching as the train approaches the main entrance to the park. It greatly resembles that of the original Jurassic Park, complete with lit torches, except it reads "JURASSIC WORLD" in large blue letters. The doors creak open, allowing the train to pass through.

Monorail Hub

Gray rushes excitedly through the crowd.

"Please obey all park rules. Proper attire, including shoes and shirts, must be worn at all times."

Gray gawks at everything he sees. The glum-looking Zach and Y/N follow a little ways behind, with Zara walking beside him, having some difficulty keeping pace with him. She checks her wristwatch.

"Your aunt arranged to meet you at one o'clock," she said as she looks at Gray, annoyed.

"Can he slow down?" Y/N and Zach look at each other.

"Nope," both say at the same time.

Gray has already gotten on a nearby escalator and gestures excitedly to them.

"Come on."

Hotel Room

Zara opens the door and enters a lavish-looking hotel room with the trio entering behind her.

"Your aunt's got you VIP access, so you can get on all the rides without waiting in line," Zara says.

Gray is impatient, futzing with the big-screen TV.

"Cool," Y/N says, looking at her iPhone, goes and flops down on the bed.

"Let's go!" Gray says.

Zach flops down beside Y/N, putting his leg on her leg and looking at his phone.

"Dude, she said we had to wait," Zach says to Gray.

"I don't wanna wait anymore!" Gray says.

"Well, if that's the case, I'm going to refresh," Y/N says, standing up, pushing Zach's leg off her. She goes to Gray, crouching to his height and boops his nose.

"Well, you already look good in this boring dress," Zach teases. Y/N glares at him, taking a dress from her suitcase. She smiles sarcastically at him and heads toward the bathroom to change.

Gray looks at the teens with an annoyed look because he knows how they like each other but doesn't tell. He only wants Y/N to date him. He knows he can't do anything, so he runs and opens the windows, looking out at the park. Beyond the hotel room balcony, he sees John Hammond's dream come true as the sun burns brightly onto Jurassic World and built beside the fences of the Mosasaur Lagoon stands the Monorail. Standing big and proud, The Innovation Center can be seen from afar along with Main Street below it with massive amounts of tourists walking back and forth to each attractional building. We pass the roof of the innovation center, we see a quick shot of the Helipad.

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