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With Gray, Zach, and Claire:

"I thought you and n/n were dating," Claire said, looking at Zach, who gave her a conflicted look.

"He's got a girlfriend," Gray answered for his brother.

"Oh," Claire frowned. "I always thought you two were made for each other."

"I thought so too," Zach mumbled, but Claire and Gray overheard him, leaving them shocked.

"Why didn't you ask her out?" Claire asked.

"Because he thought y/n loved someone else," Gray explained, earning a glare from his brother.

"Is she...?" Claire began to ask, but Gray shook his head.

"Y/n said it's just a rumor. It's Zach's fault he believed in the rumor and started dating the other girl," Gray explained. Zach still glared at his brother.

"That's not true... We're just best friends. That's all we're ever gonna be..." Zach said, sounding a bit defeated.

"Zach, don't be like this. Whatever the problem is, try to talk and solve it. I'm sure y/n will always understand you," Claire advised.

"She always does," Zach said.

"And I'm also sure that your little girlfriend couldn't have made you as happy as y/n could, and besides, y/n is loved by your entire family," Claire added.

Zach looked down, pondering Claire's words.

"Zach, maybe she's the one," Claire said, patting his shoulder before walking away with Gray, leaving Zach in his own thoughts.

"Thanks, he really needed that talk. I really wish Zach and y/n would date," Gray said with an adorable look on his face.

"Don't worry. By the end of this, they will," Claire said with a smirk.

Claire led the kids to a van, trying to reassure them.

"See? Totally safe. All right, get in," she said.

Zach and y/n helped Gray get into the van, and the three kids sat down, looking around for seat belts, only to realize there were none.

"They don't have seatbelts," Zach pointed out.

"Okay, so just... hold hands," Claire suggested before closing the door. Gray extended his hand towards Zach and y/n.

"Um... nothing's getting in here, right?" Gray asked anxiously as they heard the sounds of dinosaurs.

Zach tried to comfort his brother, "Hey. Do you remember that ghost at the old house? Remember, the one in the garage? I protected you, right?"

Gray responded with a laugh, "You made a battle ax out of a ruler and a paper plate."

Zach grinned, "Yeah. See, nothing is gonna get you while I'm around, okay?"

Gray, showing his trust, questioned further, "But you're not always gonna be around."

Zach assured him, "Yeah, well... Hey... We're brothers, okay? We'll always be brothers, and we'll always come back to one another. No matter what."

"No matter what?" Gray asked, seeking confirmation.

"No matter what," Zach reiterated. Both brothers shared a warm hug, and y/n smiled at the bond they had.

"I can imagine little Zach with a paper plate and ruler battle ax battling the ghost," y/n laughed, eliciting more laughter from the trio.

"Weren't you there too?" Zach asked.

"Don't forget, Zachary, I'm in all your memories. There is no memory without me there," y/n chimed in.

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