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Main Street

Crowds of people fill the street leading toward the Innovation Center. Gray is running enthusiastically up the steps of the building with his brother and Zara trailing behind.

"Come on!" Gray shouts at the two teens.

"Relax," Zach says.

"COME ON!" Gray shouts more loudly now, causing Y/N to flinch at his high-pitched tone.

"Dude, chill," Zach says.

"Are you scared?" Zach pouts at her. She rolls her eyes at him and walks off toward Gray. Zach stares at her outfit and laughs.

"I can't believe you finally dressed like a girl!" Zach says. Y/N, wearing her favorite dress, retorts, "Big surprises, Zach! I'm a girl!" She punches him hard enough to make him stop teasing her, but he doesn't stop teasing her because he loves her reaction each time.

Innovation Center

The trio pushes open the double doors and enters. Zara, trying to keep up, almost doesn't make it through before the doors swing shut. The interior of the building is a flurry of activity. A statue of JOHN HAMMOND stands tall toward the back of the building.

"Welcome to the Innovation Center, where technology meets prehistory. Join us on an exciting journey 65 million years into the past."

In the center of the lobby is a holographic platform, currently displaying a life-size projection of an Apatosaurus, which roars, seemingly at the boys. Announcements over the P.A. from both male and female speakers continue as we see the various exhibits the lobby has to offer, including Digging For Dinosaurs, a recreation of a paleontological dig where children use brushes to uncover bones.

"....literally meaning "three-horned face." Triceratops is half as tall as T. rex..."

There is a theater where children and their parents are watching a documentary about the extinction of the dinosaurs.

"...as one-hundred trillion tons of TNT."

We see an asteroid strike the Earth in an enormous explosion. The children give various exclamations of amazement and fright. Elsewhere, we see a holographic projection of a globe of the Earth, showing where various dinosaurs lived during prehistory.

"...can turn its head back to look over its shoulder, to better aim the swing of its dangerous tail."

Gray rushes over to the Mr. DNA Show, where visitors are quizzed about genetics. After a quick scan of the screen, he immediately begins pushing buttons and reciting the answers.

"Cytosine, guanine, adenine, and thymine. The same four things in everything that ever lived," Gray says, pressing the button.

In response, a 3-D representation of MR. DNA appears onscreen.

Zach sidles up to him, grumpy.

"Hey, don't wander off, all right? Mom's not paying me for babysitting," Zach says to Gray. Y/N comes next to him.

"Awww, Zachary actually cares," Y/N teases him as he glares at her.

"Actually, I care," Zach says, but Y/N doesn't say anything back.

"I know you don't have anything to say back because you lo—"

"Gray, is that you?" Someone interrupts, cutting Zach off. The trio turns around to see Claire descending the stairs on her phone.

"Aunt Claire!" Gray exclaims as they run over. She continues down, still talking on her phone but in a hurry to finish the conversation.

"Okay, yeah. No, I'm gonna have to go. My nephews and my future niece-in-law are here," she says into her phone as she hangs up and reaches the bottom. Gray runs up and hugs her. She is clearly overjoyed but unsure of how to respond and awkwardly hugs him back. Zach ambles up, still looking moody after the little bicker he and Y/N just had a while ago and emotionally distant as usual, hands stuffed into his pockets.

"Hi! Oh, oh, my gosh, you're so— you're so sweet!" She turns and looks at her other nephew and future niece-in-law as Zara joins them, having finally caught up to the boys.

"Whoa, Zach! Last time I saw you, you were like..." She holds a hand at about Gray's height. Y/N and Zach look at each other with the same reaction.

"That must've been, what? Three, four years ago?"

"Uh, seven. Seven years. But, you know, close," Zach says as Claire awkwardly smiles and turns to Y/N.

"And you, Y/N, look at you, all grown up and very beautiful," Claire says, and Y/N smiles at her.

"Is she?" Zach asks, and Y/N slaps the back of his neck. Claire shakes her head at the teen.

"So I see you already got your wristbands, and this is for food," she hands Gray an envelope with the Jurassic World logo on it.

"And Zara here is going to take great care of you until I'm done working tonight, okay?" Claire says, and Zara glances up from her cell phone, looking uninterested. Gray suddenly looks gloomy at this revelation.

"You're not coming with us?" Gray asks in disappointment.

"Oh, um, I really wish that I could, but tomorrow I can take you into the control room, show you behind the scenes, and all of that. That's... that's gonna be cool, right?" She asks unsure. Zach rolls his eyes while Gray averts his gaze from his aunt and stares at the door. Claire's phone rings.

"Okay, so I will see you tonight at, um... uh, six," Claire says.

"No, no, don't forget you have the..." Zara starts.

"Right, of course. I will see you tonight at eight. What time do you go to sleep? Or, or, do you go to sleep at different times?" Claire asks the three.

The trio doesn't respond. They're stony-faced. Some boys near them stare at Y/N in a flirty way as Zach notices this and looks at the boys, mouthing to them, 'she is mine'. They sigh and walk away.

"Okay, so, have fun," Claire says, looking at the trio, then turns to Zara, "And take very good care of them." Smiling, she walks off through the holographic dinosaur.

"Yeah. No, I'm here," Claire says into her phone.

"Wow! We are going to have so much fun!" Y/N says sarcastically, throwing her arms around the boys.

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