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The three were in a tour jeep, driving as a herd of gallimimus ran by them, amusing the crowd. "You guys been here before?" A voice asked the crowd.

"If Mom and Dad get divorced, will one of us be with Mom, and the other with Dad?" Gray asked his brother.

"What? Why would you say that?" Zach asked his brother, catching the attention of Y/n.

"Because they are..." Gray said sadly.

"No, they're not getting... They're not getting divorced," Zach tried to reassure him but to no avail.

"Look. You haven't been around long enough. They've always been that way. They get mail from two different lawyers."

"That doesn't mean anything," Zach told him.

"I googled. They're divorce lawyers," Gray told Zach, who gave a big sigh, not knowing what to say.

"All right, whatever. You know what? It doesn't matter, okay? I'm gonna be gone in two years anyway. I mean, all my friends' parents are divorced," Zach said, as Y/n frowned. She sat at the back and smacked him on the head, making him glare at her. She gave him a look, telling him to comfort his brother.

 She gave him a look, telling him to comfort his brother

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"Hey, knock it off. You're gonna cry? Look. You're gonna get two of everything, right? You're gonna get two birthdays, two Thanksgivings, two..." Zach started to say, but Y/n again smacked his head.

"I don't want two of everything," Gray said sadly.

"Yeah, well, it's not up to you. All right? There's a point you have to grow up," Zach said. Gray looked at the glass window, tears streaming down his face as he saw vehicles traveling on the road below.

Y/n kneeled Zach from behind, he turned around and gave her a look to stop.

"He's crying now," she whispered-shouted at him. He looked at his brother in sympathy.

Y/n sighed and stopped kneeing Zach, looking at her phone, scrolling away on Instagram.

Gyrosphere Station

"Did you know? The soft tissue is preserved because the iron in the dinosaur's blood generates free radicals, and those are highly reactive," Gray said to the two teens.

"So, the proteins and the cell membranes get all mixed up, and uh... act as a natural preservative. DNA can survive for millennia that way." He continued.

Y/n is the only one interested in what he had to say as Zach ignores what Gray says and flirts with a girl further in the row.

"See, now, even if the amber mines dry up, they'll still have bones to..." Gray continued.

"Shut up," Zach said like he was in a trance, staring at the girl and pointing towards her.

"What do you think's gonna happen from you just staring at them?" Gray asked, embarrassing Zach, then started to giggle. Y/n laughed as Gray and she high-fived.

"Thanks, man," Zach told Gray.

"You're welcome," Gray said innocently as y/n held onto her stomach, unable to stop laughing.

"N/n, if you don't stop laughing--" Zach told y/n, but she didn't listen and kept laughing at what she just encountered. Then he got a video.

Zach pulled y/n close by her waist as she stopped laughing and looked at him in total shock. His eyes flicked between her eyes and her lips. He leaned towards her lips but stopped when his lips were about to touch hers. Y/n felt his breath hit her.

"I'm sorry for making you jealous, my love," Zach said to her and kissed her cheek. Y/n's eyes widened as she pulled herself away from him and turned away, embarrassed.

"Are you blushing?" Gray pointed to her face, and she slapped his finger away.

"Shut up, Gray," she mumbled, crossing her arms over her chest as Zach smiled softly and fist-bumped Gray.

"Enjoy the ride," the manager said in a monotone voice to the girls.

A new GyroSphere arrives. Y/n, Zach, and Gray get in. (Think there are three seats).

"Pregnant women and those who suffer from motion sickness should consult with a doctor before riding this ride."

Y/n, Zach, and Gray drive away.

"Enjoy the ride," the manager said as he takes up the ringing phone.

"Hello? Seriously?" He hung up the phone, turning to tourists. "Sorry, folks. The ride is closed." All started clamoring.

"Everyone needs to proceed to the monorail and exit toward the..." He said as all speaking indistinctly.

"Come on, guys, I just work here," he said to them.

Y/n, Zach, and Gray are in a GyroSphere.

"Hey, there. I'm Jimmy Fallon. Welcome aboard the GyroSphere, an amazing machine made possible by science."

"Your safety is our main concern. Which is why you're behind our invisible barrier system, which protects you from things like Dilophosaurus venom. One drop of this can paralyze you, so watch out. Is this real? It is?"

"And for added protection, each vehicle is surrounded by aluminum oxynitride glass. So tough, it can stop a. 50-caliber bullet. The Gyroscopic technology will keep you upright at all times..."

"Where are they?" Gray asked looking around.

"...so you've got nothing to worry about," Jimmy Fallon continued.

"Man," Gray whined as they saw more dinosaurs at one place.

Trio looked around in awe as they enjoyed the surrounding

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Trio looked around in awe as they enjoyed the surrounding. Until...

"Due to technical difficulties, all our exhibits are now closed. Please disembark all rides and return to the resort," an automated voice said.

"Come on, we can stay out a couple more minutes," Y/n said to the two brothers.

"But they said it was closed," Gray said.

"Aunt Claire gave us special wristbands, right? We're VIP, dude. Come on. It'll be fun," Zach said, leading them away from the resort.

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