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Gentle Giants Petting Zoo

The trio and Zara arrive at a petting zoo.

"Lift me up. I can't see!" Gray orders Zach, who gives the boy a weird look.

"I'm not Dad. And you're not five," Zach states as Y/n shakes her head at the behavior of the two brothers.

"I can still ride the Triceratops. I'm 47-and-a-half inches," Gray says.

"This place is for little kids," Zach says, looking around.

"Yeah, I know..." Y/n agrees.

"Wanna go on the spinning dinosaur eggs?" Gray questions.

"Nope. Cover up your dork pouch," Zach says to Gray, then turns to Zara, who is talking on her phone.

"Because it's my wedding. No, Alec's not having a bachelor party. Because all his friends are animals,"

Y/n and Zach look at each other with a knowing look, Y/n places her hand on Gray's shoulder, making him walk at a faster pace.

"Scatter," Y/n says.

"What?" Gray asks, confused.

"Go. Run. Go!" Zach says as the three run away together unnoticed. As they pass three girls, one of the three girls gets goo over her hand. "Yuck!"

"The next T. rex feeding will begin in 10 minutes," an automated voice announces. Y/n holds onto Gray, not wanting to lose the boy.

"T. rex! Come on, man! Come on!" Gray shouts excitedly, running towards the glass window, pulling Y/n with him.

"Okay. Let's go!" Zach tells the boy.

Tyrannosaurus Rex Kingdom

"Parents be aware, this show may be disturbing for smaller children," the automated voice announces again.

"Hey, Mom," Zach answers his phone.

"You were supposed to call me when you landed. Are you having fun?" His mother asks as he looks behind him and sees Y/n teasing Gray about something.

"Yeah, I guess. Aunt Claire gave us passes, so we don't have to wait in line," he says, staring at Y/n.

"Wait, she's not with you?" His mother asks with furrowed brows.

"Yeah, why?" Zach questions, but his mother has already hung up.

"Zach! Stop looking at your phone! Come here!" Y/n and Zach, pulling him by her side.

"What a cute couple!" An elderly couple smiles at the two. Y/n and Zach quickly let go of each other.

"Uh... no... we're not," Y/n says, both teens blushing heavily. Gray shushes her.

"Look!" Gray points at the T. rex feeding on the goat standing in a cage.

"Woahhhh!!!" The boy says in disbelief, seeing how the T. rex just fed.

"Where to Next?" Y/n asks, still amazed by the feeding.

"I think I've got an idea," Gray says and grabs Y/n's hand and pulls her with him.

Mosasaurus Feeding Show

In the Mosasaurus Arena, more than a thousand visitors sit in the audience. Y/n, Zach, and Gray sit within them. The announcer stands on the platform, speaking.

"The Mosasaurus was thought to have hunted near the surface of the water where it could prey on anything it could sink its teeth into."

Above the announcer and into the lagoon, a great white shark is via a mechanical hook.

"Okay, folks, let's see if she's still hungry after already eating today. She's a little shy, so be nice and give her a hand when she comes out."

Gray shoves Zach in excitement while Zach is staring at a picture on his phone of his girlfriend as Y/n frowned and covered Zach's phone with her hand. Zach was about to move her hand, but she leaned toward his ear.

"Try paying attention to other things instead of her...." Zach sighed, knowing she was right, and put his phone away.

"Zach! Y/n! The Mosasaurus!" Gray shouts, suddenly the big fierce reptile of the sea thunders out of the water and snaps its jaw onto the Great-White, dragging it under the water within the lagoon and sending a pool of water over the audience.

Soaked in water, the audience cheer and clap in total excitement and 'awe' at what they just saw.

Zach, smiling and unbelieving to what he'd just seen, claps along with everyone else.

"Told ya so..." Y/n tells him. He turns to her, and they both smile at each other as they didn't notice they both didn't avert their eyes. The bleachers begin to move downwards as they both look back at the tank.

"Okay, hold on tight. We're going to give an even closer look at our Mosasaurus," the announcer says.

When the bleachers stop moving, the audience is now sitting in the Underwater Observatory and are watching an underwater view of the reptile. Noise fills the attraction with cheering and clapping. The Mosasaur grabs the last of the Great-White shark, eating it whole, then rapidly biting it.

"It has eighty-eight teeth," Gray tells the two teenagers. Zach thinks for a minute before smiling.

"Hey, you wanna see something else cool?" He asks.

"Yeah!" Gray says with an adorable look on his face.

Just like that, they went on another adventure.

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