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"Lowery, I'm on my way back to you," Claire said into her phone.

"That's a bad idea. The board assigned emergency ops to InGen's private security division. This guy Hoskins is in charge. And he has this insane plan to use the Raptors to hunt the Indominus," Lowery warned.

"What do you mean, 'use the Raptors'?" Claire asked, concerned.

"Son of a biscuit!" Owen muttered, looking up at the helicopter. Y/n and Zach glanced up at him.

"You shouldn't say that word," Gray corrected. Y/n chuckled at the boy's innocence, catching Zach's attention.

"Take the kids. Get them someplace safe. You got this!" Owen said as they heard a loud bang from a big door. Suddenly, a flying dino broke through the door and started to attack people.

"Go faster!" Owen urged the trio and Claire. Y/n and Zach grabbed Gray, and they quickly entered a nearby car.

"Drive! Drive!" Zach urged Owen, who started the car.

"This does not feel safe," Zach commented.

"Can we stay with you?" Gray asked, looking worried.

"I am never leaving you as long as you live," Claire reassured them.

"No, him," Zach clarified, pointing at Owen.

"Yeah, definitely him," Gray added. Claire was taken aback, and y/n felt the need to respond.

"I'm not leaving their sides because they wouldn't be able to survive without me," y/n explained.

"That's not true," Zach countered.

"That's true," y/n said.

"I'm the one who always kept you away from trouble," y/n continued.

"Just say you can't stay away from me," Zach teased, ignoring what she said.

"That's not true," y/n retorted.

"That's true," Zach smirked, enjoying their playful banter.

"Does this happen often?" Owen asked, observing the two bickering teenagers.

"Why wouldn't I stay away from you?" y/n asked, puzzled.

"You could say so," Gray replied, answering Owen's question about the bickering couple.

"Because you love—" Zach started but stopped himself when he realized what he was about to say.

"They fight like an old married couple," Gray remarked, chuckling as he watched y/n and Zach's interaction.

At the same time, Claire and Owen exchanged looks and blushed.

"Whatever, the point is I'm not leaving their sides," y/n said firmly, breaking the eye contact with Zach.

"Good!" Zach agreed, playfully poking her in the stomach, causing her to flinch.

"Zachary!" y/n scolded and retaliated by playfully punching his arm.

"Zach-ary...?" Claire asked, trying not to laugh.

The two teenagers gave her a mock glare and then slumped down in their car seats, making faces at each other.

The five arrived at a place where the Raptors were kept.

"Stay in the car!" Owen instructed as he and Claire exited the car.

"Yeah, stay in the car!" Claire echoed as she walked out.

They both approached Hoskins, who was talking. Owen didn't seem to like what he was hearing, and he suddenly punched Hoskins hard in the face.

"Ow!" The three kids watched the altercation with surprise.

"Cool!" Y/n said with an amused smile as Zach glanced at her.

"I beat the guys in school too," Zach bragged. Y/n and Gray looked at him.

"Yeah, and you also got beaten," Gray added with a chuckle.

"But in the end, I win," Zach said confidently.

"Yeah, because I saved you most of the time," Y/n teased, making all three of them laugh.

"Owen," Gray called as they stood near the Raptor cage.

"Are they safe?" Gray asked with concern.

"No, they're not," Owen replied, his tone serious.

"What are their names?" Zach and y/n asked simultaneously. They exchanged glances and then looked away. Owen smiled at their interaction.

"Well, you've got Charlie. There's Echo. Here is Delta. This one's called Blue. She's the beta," Owen said, introducing each Raptor.

"Who's the alpha?" Gray inquired.

"You're looking at him, kid," Owen said with a proud smile.

Claire led the boys to a van to help with moving things.

Y/n stayed behind, observing Owen as he interacted with the Raptors.

"Zach is your boyfriend, right?" Owen asked y/n as he walked over to her.

"What? No, no, no, I'm not his girlfriend. He's got a girlfriend," Y/n clarified, looking down.

"Oh... but I'm sure he's not happy with her," Owen commented.

"We're just best friends. That's all we're ever gonna be..." Y/n said with a sad smile.

"Don't be so sure. Believe me, he really loves you," Owen said cryptically before walking away, leaving y/n deep in thought.

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