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As the group raced through the empty and abandoned main street, they parked their vehicles in front of the Innovation Centre, quickly making their way inside. Owen led the way, keeping his guns ready, while Claire followed closely. The automatic doors opened for them, and they hurried toward the control room.

"Control room! That way!" Claire shouted, pointing them in the right direction. They all rushed towards the lab.

However, when they reached the lab, Claire suddenly stopped, and the rest of the group did the same. They looked around the room, puzzled by the empty lab and all the abandoned equipment.

"They evacuated the lab..." Claire observed, walking into one of the rooms.

The group examined the bizarre assortment of gadgets, machines, and monitoring equipment scattered throughout the lab. Monitors displayed various dinosaurs and their body parts. Tanks held lizards and snakes, while spines floated in water, wires attached to them. An eerie silence filled the room, as if no one had spoken in ages.

Their moment of uneasy exploration was abruptly interrupted when they heard someone approaching from behind. Turning around, they discovered a group of men collecting DNA samples from dinosaurs and placing them into containers.

"What are you doing?" Claire asked, her confusion apparent.

"I'm afraid that's above your pay grade, honey," Hoskins replied dismissively.

"Where's Henry?" Claire questioned, still trying to make sense of the situation.

"Dr. Wu, he works for us," Hoskins explained, leaving Claire perplexed.

Gray peered around Owen, staring at a monitor displaying the Indominus Rex.

"That's not a real dinosaur," he remarked, gesturing toward the screen.

"No, it ain't, kid. But somebody's gotta make sure that this company has a future. Imagine, that one, a fraction of the size, deadly, intelligent, able to hide from the most advanced military technology. A living weapon unlike anything we've ever seen," Hoskins explained, his words capturing the group's attention.

The tension in the room escalated when, out of nowhere, a raptor jumped into the lab, moving menacingly toward Hoskins. Owen instinctively stepped forward, shielding the others.

Zach squeezed y/n's hand tightly as they all took cautious steps backward. They watched as Hoskins tried to appease the raptor, who continued to advance.

"Easy. Easy, boy. Easy," Hoskins urged, backing away until he was cornered against a shelf. "Hey, hey. We're on the same side, right? Right?" he said, extending his hand cautiously toward the raptor, whose head tilted curiously. "I'm on your side," he continued, almost making contact with the creature. But suddenly, the raptor bit his hand, causing Hoskins to scream in agony.

The group jumped back in shock as they watched the horrifying scene unfold. As soon as the raptor attacked Hoskins, Claire exclaimed, "Come on, this way!" She directed them in a different direction, away from the raptor that was now engaged in an attack.

The group followed her lead, fleeing from the lab. However, as they raced through the grand hall, they faced another raptor. Gray, thinking quickly, pressed a tablet, creating a hologram that distracted the raptor momentarily.

They got outside, but a raptor jumped in front of them, stopping their escape. Two more came at them from the left and right sides, and one emerged from the grand hall. They were surrounded.

"That's how it is? Easy. Easy. Easy. That's it," Owen said in a soft voice and removed the device from around Blue's ear.

The Indominus reveals herself. She roars at Blue. Blue looks back at Owen and chitters. She roars at the hybrid, and she knocks her away. Echo and Delta started to attack the Indominus when Owen whistled.

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