two - june the window cat

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oo. TWO

IF THERE WAS ONE GOOD THING ABOUT HAVING A BEST FRIEND WHO GOT SICK AT THE IDEA OF TALKING TO THEIR CRUSH, IT WAS HAVING TO TAKE THEM HOME. After all, Margot's parents worked long days, and couldn't get out of work. And upon the school nurse deeming them too sick to stay, they had to have someone chaperone their return home.

And so Nadine was volunteered, her grades in the rest of her classes were high, and she could afford missing these lessons, considering math had already finished.

The journey out of school was easy, but the idea of getting on a train made Margot's face look even more sickly. Nadine's next option was calling her Uncle Ray, as his work probably offered the most flexibility — there was no way that Margot would be able to walk anywhere like this.

"Raymond Holt, speaking." he answered on the second ring, his usual formal voice.

"Hi, Uncle Ray," started Nadine, putting on her sweetest voice. "How are you?"

"Nadine, hello." Holt replied, his work voice melting away into his family voice, which only had the tiniest of differences — she guessed that you probably wouldn't even notice if you didn't know the man.

Nadine grabbed onto Margot, who was tipping over on the bench they sat on. They rested their head against her shoulder, and mumbled incoherent thanks.

"Any chance you could pick me and Margot up? They got sick and nobody else could take them home." asked Nadine, smiling and doing her best puppy-dog eyes, even though her Uncle couldn't even see the look.

"Kevin is available, I will give him your message." said Uncle Ray.

"Isn't it time for Cheddar's walk, right now?" asked Nadine, going through her Uncles' schedules in her mind — she had Cheddar tomorrow, so it must be today that Kevin has the sweet dog.

"I'm sure he can make the exception." Raymond replied, sounding unfazed.

"Alright, thank you Uncle Ray! We're just waiting outside of school." said Nadine, and they said goodbye before her Uncle hung up the phone, likely ringing his husband immediately after.

Margot was almost passed out on her shoulder, dark hair tangling in the badges on Nadine's jacket. The road in front of them was almost empty, the occasional car pulling through to do a U-turn, but even so, the hustle and bustle of New York was heard clearly, it was almost peaceful.

Or at least, it was until she heard the tell-tale gurgle of her Uncle's pride and joy — Gertie.

"Hey, Kevin! Hiya, Cheddar." said Nadine, piling herself and Margot into the backseat as Kevin held onto Cheddar, the passenger seat pulled forward. "Sorry for interrupting your walk."

"Cheddar and I don't mind the change in routine." said Kevin, the closest thing to a cheerful greeting that Nadine would get — he was just as expressive as his husband.

Nadine smiled, reaching over Margot to plug in their seatbelt, before doing her own.

"Where to?" asked Kevin, buckling Cheddar into the passenger seat, before starting Gertie once more.

After giving Kevin the address of the Allaway residence, Nadine found herself with Margot leaning on her shoulder, her head tipped back against the seat. It had been a short, but exhausting day — somehow, she was glad for Margot's dramatics. Maybe this was their way of getting her mind off of math.

A bit too far for Nadine's tastes — and definitely for Kevin's — but if it meant that she didn't have to think about Mr Jenkins' disappointed face, then it was all for the better.

𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐄, peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now