three - the basketball conundrum

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IT WAS THE DAY OF MARGOT'S OSCORP INTERNSHIP, AND IF THEY SAID THEY WEREN'T NERVOUS, IT'D BE A LIE. There were very few name badges on the front desk, and one of them was theirs... they knew they had earned this internship, but it didn't make them any less nervous for it.

Not even the two ten minute phone calls to Nadine had eased Margot's nerves, and they were almost sick to their stomach.

Somehow, seeing Peter Parker stood at the back of the crowd of interns, had helped. Perhaps, it was because Margot knew for a fact he didn't apply, or get accepted for this internship.

"Peter!" They whispered angrily, coming to stand on his right. "What are you doing here? What if Gwen sees you?"

He whipped his head to look at Margot, eyes going slightly wide behind his glasses. He'd known they had this internship — had heard them talking to Nadine about it in biology, but somehow it didn't click in his mind that they'd actually be here.

"Hey— hey, Margot! How are you?" stuttered Peter, his voice going high pitched as he tried to keep his volume low.

Why the world hated Peter Parker, he couldn't tell you, because of course Rodrigo Guevara would announce his presence downstairs, and loudly.

"Listen!" he cried, and the group peered down the balcony to see him being dragged away by security. "Tell them Rodrigo Guevara is here! Please! Just tell them that Rodrigo Guevara is—"

Margot levelled Peter with a flat look, eyes glancing between him and his name badge.

"So, Rodrigo Guevara," they said, unimpressed. "Got something to say?"

"Please, Margot, this is really important— and— and I'm not going to be here forever! Just this one time." said Peter, keeping his voice quiet, trying not to alert the rest of the interns.

"The only reason I'm not ratting you out is because I don't want to cause a ruckus. Well, and Nadine would never let me live it down." hissed Margot, glaring at Peter, before making their way closer to the front of the group.

Peter closed his eyes, leaning his head back with a sigh of relief.

Just when he thought he'd gotten out of it, well...

"Welcome to OSCORP, my name's Gwen Stacey. I'm a senior at Midtown Science, and I'm also Head Intern to Dr. Connors, so I'll be with you for the duration of your visit." She introduced, and Margot's face immediately flushed, heart beating faster.

Peter held his hand over his face, sighing and praying that Gwen wouldn't notice him.

"Where I go, you go. That's the basic rule. If you remember that, all will be fine." She nodded her head towards the balcony, where they'd all just heard Rodrigo get dragged away. "I guess I don't need to tell you what happens if you forget that. Shall we?"

The group of interns followed along behind her, Margot right on her heels, into an open space lab. This was enough to pull Margot's attention away from Gwen, as they marvelled at all the equipment and experimentation around them — it was fascinating, and unattainable if this internship didn't go well.

All the doctors in lab coats barely even looked up as the interns were walked inside, focused on their projects — Margot couldn't help but peer at the glass walls of further laboratories, and wonder what they were doing.

"Good afternoon, Gwen." greeted the Dr. Connors himself.

"Dr. Connors," she smiled.

"Welcome, my name is Dr. Curtis Connors. And yes, in case you were wondering, I'm a southpaw." said Connors, receiving a laugh in return, "I'm not a cripple, I'm a scientist, and I'm the world's foremost authority on herpetology."

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