five - that spider-guy

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oo. FIVE

PETER PARKER WAS... A SURPRISINGLY GOOD TUTOR. Nadine wasn't sure why she was so surprised, but she was. His methods were different than those of Mr. Jenkins, or Kevin, or even her Uncle Ray. Which also shouldn't be surprising, given their overall demeanours.

But Peter was patient, and even though Nadine knew he understood everything he was teaching her, he made it seem as if he was learning alongside her.

And he had listened to her mother's story of the day for twenty minutes without complaint — Nadine wasn't even sure she could do that.

The greatest thing so far, however, was the breaks.

It was an absolute lifesaver to be able to just lay back on her bed, eat some snacks and drink some hot chocolate between doing what felt like non-stop math. None of her other 'tutors' had done this, always insisting on working until finished.

    "This is the best." said Nadine, filling the silence as she closed her eyes, head against the bed frame.

    "Math?" asked Peter, although he definitely knew the answer already — Nadine had expressed her feelings about math multiple times while he'd been at her house.

    "Never even suggest that." replied Nadine, levelling him with a look that he had to laugh at.

It was quiet for a moment afterwards, with Nadine going back to laying down with her eyes closed. It was peaceful, and she could almost forget about the whole math situation. Peter leaned back in the chair at her desk, and thought about everything they'd gone over today. He also thought about Gwen and Margot.

    "Do you know what's going on with Gwen and Margot?" asked Peter, but he stayed leaning back in his chair, not daring to move his eyes onto Nadine, where he heard her sit up in her bed.

    "Of course, I do." laughed Nadine, trying to keep it lighthearted — she'd figured that Peter probably had a crush on Gwen... most people did. Even she had, almost two years prior. "They're not a thing at the moment, but Margot was invited to a family dinner, so."

    "Right, well, good for them! I've heard that Gwen's dad can be pretty intimidating." replied Peter, and he didn't seem that affected by the news.

    "Oh, he is. I've already warned them. My uncle works for the NYPD, so I can get the inside scoop." Nadine didn't inform Peter of how much her uncle hated that phrase, and how he would definitely disagree, and say she didn't get any such thing.

    "You're close with your uncle, then?" he queried, sitting up in the chair to look over at her.

    "Pretty close, yeah. He's— he's great, but probably nothing like you'd expect after meeting my mom." Nadine grinned, most people expected someone similar — they ought to meet her grandmother, too.

    "Really? So people on the subway don't try to kill him?" Peter teased slightly, referencing the story her mother had been telling him when he walked through the front door.

    "Please, Raymond Holt does not use the subway." replied Nadine, a certain tint of amusement present in her voice that Peter had only heard when she was talking to Margot.

    "My mistake, then." he smiled, chest feeling lighter than it had in a while.

    "Mhm," hummed Nadine, about to continue when Peter suddenly looked towards her window.

    "I just remembered that— that I've gotta go!" he said, gathering his things from her desk, as she moved to sit on the edge of her bed, confused.

𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐄, peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now