twelve - shared custody

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NADINE PUT THE FROZEN PEPPERONI PIZZA IN THE OVEN AS PETER WENT OUT LOOKING FOR SUPPLIES FOR THE NEWLY ACQUIRED CAT. Her mother was staying over at Gary's tonight, he was her fiancé, and so she had the apartment to herself.

Debbie Holt definitely wouldn't be all too pleased with Nadine having a boy over, but she wasn't sure she cared too much. It was Peter, what was the problem?

She had already set up the cat in her room, old newspapers settled on the floor as a makeshift litter tray, as well as blankets piled on the floor, and the ones on her bed. There was a plate of cut up chicken on the floor, just to tide the cat over until Peter arrived with proper supplies.

He'd curled up in the blankets moments after she'd set him down, anyway, seemingly tired from the whole ordeal. He was a little black and white cat, not a kitten, but pretty small for an adult. He had a splattering of white on his nose, as well as his chin, chest and belly, while the rest of him was mostly black fur.

Nadine couldn't lie, she was in love with the cat already. A small, selfish part of her hoped that he didn't already have an owner, so she could keep him.

They would search for an owner, either way, and Nadine would never steal a cat from someone who was looking for him, but if there wasn't, well... she wouldn't be opposed to looking after him.

He'd need a name, though.

Her and Peter would have to come up with something cute to get her mom to let her keep the cat. It was going to require a lot of brainstorming.

Speaking of the man himself, he came waltzing out of her bedroom as if it was his own, cradling the newest member of Nadine's family in his arms. He had his eyes on the cat, cooing sweetly at the sleepy boy.

    "That poor baby, he just got settled down." said Nadine, teasingly, and watched Peter's head snap up as he shushed her, whispering about the boy being asleep, "This really is my life now, huh?"

She wasn't complaining, though.

Nadine could get used to having Peter in her life, she pretty much had, anyway. He'd already met her Uncles, and there was no step after that. There was something about Peter Parker that she just couldn't put into words, no syllable being able to describe the way his eyes reflected kitchen lights in the most beautiful ways, or how his smile could make her heart hurt in a way she didn't even know could be good.

She didn't buy pepperoni pizza and first aid kits for just anyone, no, that was solely for Peter Parker.

    "I love him," whispered Peter, his voice full of warmth, and Nadine wasn't sure how long it would be until her heart gave out, the image of Peter cradling that cat was going to be the end of her, she knew it.

His camera was placed on her kitchen counter, and without a second thought, she grabbed it and took a picture, wanting nothing more than to see these two forever. Peter didn't seem to mind.

In fact, Peter actually leaned forwards, tipping his arms just slightly so you could see the cat's white-splattered face clearly.

He was just as in love as Nadine was.

It had to be the cutest picture she'd ever seen, let alone taken, and later on she would demand for him to get it developed for her, so she could put it in a frame by her bed.

    "Give me back my son," sighed Nadine, after she had placed the camera on the counter. "I just got him settled down, honestly." It was half a joke, but she really had only just got the cat comfortable in her room.

𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐄, peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now