eleven - unsafe fire escape

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PETER IS SURE HE HAS MADE A MISTAKE. He's told both Gwen and Margot this, at least a dozen times, and they assure him he hasn't... but the way Margot has laughed so many times during the conversation was the furthest thing from reassuring. In fact, it was actually consolidating his fears.

Meeting Nadine's uncle? What was he thinking? He was very aware of how much she loved her uncle, of how much he meant to her. What would happen if Raymond Holt hated him?

"Peter Parker, get your ass to Nadine, right now!" said Gwen, her hand in Margot's as she told him off. Or encouraged him. He wasn't entirely sure.

He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans, and he was sure he looked like a stereotypical teenage boy with the way the clothes looked on him — without his camera, his glasses or even his jacket, you could barely tell that he was Peter Parker — these were his signature things!

He'd explained as much to Margot and Gwen, but received nothing except rolled eyes and laughter.

"You have to come with! I messed up, I can't meet her Uncle! Do you know how much she loves him?" said Peter, hands flying around in quick sporadic gestures. Even now, Margot was still laughing at his misfortune.

"We are not coming with." Gwen said firmly, fixing Peter with a harsh look. "You did this to yourself, Peter."

Peter frowned, putting on his best puppy-dog eyes... which definitely didn't work on Margot Allaway, who was coming down from their fits of laughter, wiping at their eyes with their free hand.

"Oh, Peter, you poor sweet thing. You are so not ready to meet Raymond Holt." spoke Margot, and Peter wildly pointed his hands towards them, while fixing his eyes on Gwen.

She smacked them on the leg, giving them a scolding look as she huffed.

"Peter, you'll be fine! Besides, it'd look worse if you didn't turn up."

"She is absolutely right on that one, he will never forget it, or forgive it. You'd be screwed." agreed Margot, nodding good-naturedly. "You better go now, too. Don't wanna be late."

Their voice was sing-songy and Peter gave them the flattest look he could muster, even though he knew they were both right.

"I hate you both." he told them, as seriously as he could — all he got in return was raised eyebrows, and expectant looks on each of their faces. He rolled his eyes as he made a running jump off of Gwen's roof.

It took him just under ten minutes to arrive by Raymond Holt's house, and he had to pull on clothes over the top of his suit. He knocked on the door two minutes before he said he'd arrive — and figured he could use the extra time for Nadine to teach him how not to make a complete fool of himself.

The door swung open quickly, and Nadine stepped outside almost as soon as it had, closing the door tightly behind her.

She was still wearing his jacket, and now Peter wasn't wearing his mask, he had nothing to hide the redness that bloomed on his cheeks.

"Peter, hey," greeted Nadine, almost breathlessly. "I'm sorry, but we don't have much time. You're gonna have to learn fast."

There was a certain anxiety filling his chest, but he pushed through.

For the next few minutes, Nadine taught Peter the proper handshake, words to avoid, and things he probably shouldn't do while in her Uncle's presence. It was a lot, but he got the hang of it quickly.

"You're ready, you've got this." said Nadine, sounding just as nervous as Peter felt — although he couldn't understand why she felt so nervous.

Nadine opened the front door, letting him in and closing it behind the two of them. Immediately, Peter could hear the sound of two people standing up — he was pretty sure his nerves were making his spidey senses far more concentrated.

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