seven - funeral #1

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THEY ARRIVED AT NADINE'S APARTMENT QUICKLY, BUT GETTING HER UNCLE RAY TO LEAVE WAS TOOK THE LONGEST TIME. He was worried, and far too protective to leave the apartment without triple checking Nadine was and would continue to be okay.

But after Nadine's insistence, he finally left with the promise to return as soon as the situation was resolved.

    "How are we gonna get to OSCORP? We don't have much time!" said Gwen, and she was quick to catch on to the look Margot gave Nadine. "What?"

    "You gotta use your— your magic powers!" Margot said, their eyes trained on Nadine as she shook her head firmly, sitting down on her bed. "You've got to! What other choice do we have?"

    "We— we can walk!"

    "What about Peter?" asked Margot, eyebrow raised.

    "Listen, Peter is great, a smart, lovely and kinda cute guy, but he'll just have to... wait?"

    "We don't have time to unpack the kinda cute part, but Nadine! He needs that antidote, and we need to get to OSCORP." Margot told her, firm on their statement — and as much as Nadine hated it, they were right.

    "But the last time I tried to open a portal, my pop tarts got split in half!" said Nadine, as a last resort.

    "I don't care about your pop tarts right now!"

    "Guys!" yelled Gwen, catching both of their attention. "Somebody just— no, just do what Margot is telling you to do!"

Nadine pouted, glaring at Margot as they smirked victoriously.

    "Fine, but it's your funeral!"

Nadine pushed her hand-me-down sling ring onto her index and middle fingers. She spared one last glance to Margot and Gwen, seeing the former with their thumbs up encouragingly, and Gwen trying to match their energy whilst being confused and in the dark.

With a deep breath, and a second to steady her hands, Nadine took the stance that her mother had taught her.

She'd never been in the OSCORP building, but she did remember the picture that Margot had shown her from their internship, featuring them stood in front of a desk with an experiment ongoing behind them.

Keeping that in mind, she began the circle motion, eyes focused and brows furrowed in front of her, visualising the orange sparks making way to show the OSCORP lab.

Gwen watched in fascination as a circle of what seemed like pure energy formed in the middle of Nadine's room. It widened, getting bigger and bigger until it was finally large enough to fit a person through.

At that stage, Nadine turned back to the two of them, eyes slightly unfocused as she kept her concentration.

    "Go through, now!" ordered Nadine, keeping the portal open as Gwen and Margot hopped through. With a shaky breath, Nadine stopped moving her hands and jumped through the slowly closing portal.

She heaved a sigh of relief, and watched the sparks disappear.

    "Okay, that was awesome." said Gwen, "but we really need to get started on that antidote."

    "Right," agreed Margot, and the two got to work immediately — Nadine hung back, not wanting to get in between the two's very successful team work. Besides, she'd never been to OSCORP before, and had basically no clue where anything was. "What was the file?"

    "12389." answered Nadine, ignoring the surprised looks from both Gwen and Margot.

Nadine made her way around the lab, trying to keep her mind off of Peter. She didn't understand how this all happened — Peter Parker, the boy she'd known since she was little had become the amazing Spider-Man? This was the same kid who had been pushed into so many lockers that Nadine had lost count!

𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐄, peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now