thirteen - nine nine

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NADINE WOKE UP THAT MORNING READY TO FACE THE DAY. Which didn't happen all that often, if she were honest. Usually it was a mission for her to climb out of bed and face the world, but she felt weirdly optimistic for the day.

Of course, the world never had favoured Nadine Holt, and so as she placed her pop tarts in the toaster, she got an unfortunate phone call.

"Nadine," greeted Raymond Holt, his voice coated in that professional lilt, even though she was well aware the man was not meant to be at work today — they'd planned their lunch two weeks in advance, with note to his schedule. He always liked to be prepared.

"Uncle Ray, everything alright?"

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid not. I'm going to have to cancel our lunch plans." replied Captain Holt, his annoyance very clear in his voice, which was... unusual.

"Oh, alright. What happened?" she asked, unable to hide the slight disappointment that corroded her voice.

"One of my detectives," Nadine would never get over the fact that he had detectives, now, "Decided to arrest a suspect without sufficient evidence."

"Peralta, I'm guessing." offered Nadine, going off of context clues. She'd heard plenty about Peralta, already, along with the rest of the squad. Something seemed different with this Jake guy, but it didn't seem malicious — and if it was? Well, Nadine would be happy to gift him with a punch to the face.

Her Uncle mumbled confirmation, and soon hang up, talking of all the extra work he had to do with his detective's premature arrest. She couldn't help the frown that covered her face, the new Captain had been working incredibly hard.

Even so, she went about her day as she normally would. Mainly sitting around and annoying Fury with her smothering, as well as a phone call to Margot and then a second phone call to Peter.

By the time lunch rolled around, she was bored out of her mind and out of people to call.

Nadine hadn't actually visited her Uncle's new precinct yet, given there wasn't much reason for it, but delivering him some lunch would be good cause to pop in! She wouldn't admit it to her Uncle, but she did want to meet his squad and get a read on them — she wasn't going to tolerate any of the police officers like the ones from his past.

So she headed out to her Uncle's favourite diner, grabbed his regular lunch meal to go and went on her way.

It was kind of scary to walk into any police station, even if she hadn't done anything wrong, and even if her Uncle was the Captain of said station.

The officers didn't spare much of a glance towards Nadine as she passed, which was either bad or good, she hadn't quite decided yet. It wasn't as if they were expecting her arrival, so she wasn't sure if she should be concerned.

She decided it was probably fine, and jogged up the steps towards the fourth floor, where her Uncle's office resided — he'd recounted his journey to said office to both her and Marcus.

Immediately, she found the detectives sat around the bullpen, almost all of them busy with something or other. They weren't paying much attention, or she thought they weren't, until a large muscled man approached her with a gentle but concerned look on his face.

"You alright, miss?" asked the man, who Nadine quickly figured to be Sergeant Terry Jeffords, her Uncle's second in command.

"Yeah, I'm just looking to bring my uncle some lunch." she replied, trying her best not to be nervous — she had no reason to be! Especially since her Uncle was the Captain of the Nine-Nine.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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