six - interrupted bathroom breaks

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oo. SIX

NADINE WOKE UP TO A THUMP ON HER CARPET, AND A BREEZE ON HER FACE. Now, the breeze shouldn't have been that weird, except she always slept with her window closed — as her Uncle Ray had insisted since she was little.

So, it was a little more than disconcerting, and she couldn't help the jump in her chest at the muffled footsteps she heard through her fuzzy brain.

After her initial panic, Nadine managed to peel her eyes open, and upon seeing the silhouette stood in her room, she felt the pull of an orange circle behind the figure, and tugged at it. In the dim room, she watched as a small candle flew across the room, hitting the person in the head.

"Ow! What was that—?" the figure spoke, bringing a hand to the back of their head... something about the voice was weirdly familiar, although the panting and pain present in their voice was enough to cover it up.

Nadine sat up sharply, hand out in front of her as she pulled the covers away from her legs.

"Who are you? And what do you want?" asked Nadine, her voice on the edge of complete panic as the figure's head flew up to face her, hands pausing in the air.

"Woah! It's okay!" the figure replied, and faster than she could blink, something shot towards her light switch, and bathed the room in a yellow glow. "I'm— I'm Spider-Man."

Nadine blinked, the light leaving dark imprints in her vision, and swallowed nervously at the image of the blue and red clad vigilante stood in her room. It took more than a few more blinks to notice the blood, and the shredded suit just barely hanging onto his chest.

"Oh my god— are you bleeding?" asked Nadine, eyes wide as she stood up from her bed, still keeping her distance, but relaxing from her defensive stance the slightest bit.

"Wh— yes, I'm bleeding, listen—" started Spider-Man, but Nadine interrupted by putting her hand up in a stop motion.

"We better make you... not do that." said Nadine, breathing through the panic she was feeling — a bleeding masked vigilante broke into her apartment, her room, and was telling her to listen? Was she still dreaming?

"Aren't you going to—" Spider-Man attempted, but Nadine just shushed him, opening her bedroom door.

"The first aid kit is in the bathroom, so be quiet, my mum's room is down the hall." said Nadine. Why she wasn't yelling for her mother, she didn't know. She still wasn't completely sure whether she was dreaming or not, but the pinch to her arm told her she wasn't.

Spider-Man said nothing else, seemingly lost for words.

When he'd arrived to Nadine's apartment, pulling her window open, the last thing he expected was for her to just... accept the masked vigilante's presence, and help him.

Honestly, if asked, he didn't know what he'd say to why he came to Nadine's apartment, of all places. It was almost subconscious, his journey from the tunnels to the apartment building was a complete blur, and he couldn't really remember much of it.

Similarly, Spider-Man didn't even realise when they'd arrived in Nadine's bathroom.

Apparently, it was long enough for Nadine to have unpacked the entire first aid kit on the bathroom counter, leaving enough space for him to sit on it.

"Sit there," Nadine told him, locking the bathroom door. "Do you have any idea what you're doing? Because I... do not."

Spider-Man had to stifle a laugh, and even doing that made the forgotten pain in his chest flare up, burning all the way up his neck in a flaming trail. He breathed deeply through it, keeping his pain to himself as best he could.

𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐄, peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now