Chapter 5 | Resparando La Rota

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*―☆―*  Hermosa, no es ?  *―☆―*

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   It was the day of Bruno's long awaited party and no one knew the exact reason the Madrigals were hosting a party but they were more than excited to attened something from the amazing family. Though some of the town were only in it for more gossip most were there to actually support the family. As the town awaited for them to start heading to the Madrigals count down started for the Madrigals as soon as they woke up.

It was 7 am and Mirabel and Luisa were the first to wake up yawning and stretching they noticed their sleeping niece and nephew and noticed Anza still fast asleep. The pair smiled as they realized they had a blanket on them all this time both raised a brow wondering how they each got one. Shrugging Luisa stood up and got ready to go get the outside ready for tonight. Mirabel took a few moments as she looked around for her glasses and noticed them on the side table along with Anza's flower crown.

She smiled piecing together that Anza was the one who made sure they were comfortable before falling asleep herself. She got up and went to put her glasses on stretching one last time before she picked up the extra pillows and blankets and put them away. She noticed the twins were fast asleep and picked first Victor up and laid him on the couch then Viviana on the oop side side before placing a blanket over them. She knew she couldn't pick up Anza and instead just made sure she was okay before heading off to go decorate and help get ready for tonight.

Soon enough each Madrigal was up and doing their part to prepare the party for Bruno. Bruno how ever was out getting something ready so he got to take a break from helping this time. Anza was just waking up having no memory of her sleepy delusions and rubbed her eyes as she stretched and sat up. Looking around she noticed her home looked quite different she furrowed her brows as she continued to rub her eyes and look around trying to wake herself up completely. Realizing she was at the Madrigals she perked up instantly and looked around for Luisa and Mirabel.

Hearing all the noise of the family setting up she realized they were already off being busy. She smiled softly remembering how fun she had yesterday spending time with the pair and got up quickly as she realized she had slept in her skirt. She started to put away her pillow and blanket when she realized the skirt she was wearing was the one she embroidered a chameleon on. Internally panicking she took some breaths and told her self no one would notice although little did she know three people already knew.

Anza was about to head off and find somewhere to help when she heard sniffles start up and turned to see the twins waking up crying. She rushed over to them checking to see what happened. " Hey babies it's okay shhh what happened" She asked as she tried to comfort them.

The twins shook their head and just jumped into Anza's arms hugging her tight and Anza picked them both up holding on to them with a good grip and did her best to soothe them. Dolores came running over to see why her kids were crying but just as she was about to walk into the living room she seen Anza holding them both rocking them and singing them a song to calm them. Dolores smiled at the scene admiring how quick Anza was to react just like she would.

Seeing the situation handled Dolores rushed back to finish helping Abuela with something as she was also ready to tell her what just happened. Anza didn't notice anything around her, her main focus was getting the twins to calm down and be okay. " Did we have a nightmare " Anza asked softly as she rocked them and the twins nodded burying their faces into her shoulders.

Anza gave a soft smile and started to sing a song to comfort them which seemed to be working as their grips started to soften. "Are we ready to get down" Anza asked them gently

La Mariposa | Camilo M. X OCWhere stories live. Discover now