Chapter 2 | Gato De La Luna

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*―☆―* Es Ella ? *―☆―*

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The next morning Anza was woken up by purring and something rubbing against her face. Immediately her eyes shot open as she sees the kitten meowing trying to get her up. She laughs and pets the kitten. " Buenos días Mariposa" she said in a very sleepy voice.

Stretching Anza got up and started getting ready. She put on her favorite skirt that reached just above her feet and a shirt that had blue butterflies sewed into it on one of the shoulder sleeves and on the opposite side on the bottom. She brushed her hair then did it so that it would look like nice curls instead of a puff ball. She noticed a curl that refused to the leave the front of her face and kept brushing it back behind her ear before giving up. Putting on her shoes and grabbing her bag in case Mariposa got tired of walking she left her room and headed to the kitchen to get breakfast started.

She listened out to see if her papá was still asleep and hearing his snore she prepared breakfast for her and  her Papá while putting a little aside for Mariposa.

After eating Anza washed up and made sure the note was still on the table. She put on her shoes and let Mariposa out first then herself and closed the door behind her. " Let's find your home" she said smiling at the kitten who meowed as they both started walking heading off to the famous casita.

After twenty minutes of walking she finally made it to the Madrigal casita. The kitten was in her bag at this point sleeping and she prepared herself knowing she would have to talk to a lot of people. Anza gripped her bag strap and softly knocked on the door to the casita.

Without warning casita opened the door and let her inside. Startled she let out a small squeak of panic and gave a nervous smile while thanking la casita. As she was thrown in she could hear laughter and talking coming from the dining room. Casita used the floor tiles to nudge her along and nervously she walked over as the talking got louder. She took a deep breath in and let it out slowly as she peeked around the corner trying to see if she could find Luisa.

Anza's eyes trailed along the table from Abuela to Julieta and so on. She could feel her nerves increasing as she slowly looked around. Suddenly her eyes fixated on Camilo. He was talking and making jokes before he had felt eyes on him and looked in her direction without anyone noticing. She squeaked as her face filled with red and hid behind the wall. Her heart was racing.

Failing to remember the gift Dolores had she said "hello" aloud and Anza realized she had screwed herself into coming into the open.

Taking a deep breath she stepped out with her head down and a tight grip on her bag strap. The family quieted down wondering who she was but at the same time ready to welcome her. " I- I apologize for interrupting Madrigals. I.... I came as requested b-by Luisa." Anza spoke very softly trying to control her nerves.

Luisa immediately remembered Anza from yesterday and smiled getting up. " Oh yes I'm sorry Anza. Familia this is Anza" she spoke as she got up smiling and went to her side. She put her hand gently on her back to try and help calm her nerves. She gave a small smile looking up at her before finally turning to face the family.

The Madrigals were all smiling at Anza and greeted her happily. Camilo still had a brow raised at her from before with a sly smile plastered on his face. He could see how shy she was and wanted to think of way to have her comfortable but before he got a chance Abuela had swooped in to talk.

La Mariposa | Camilo M. X OCWhere stories live. Discover now