Chapter 10 | Suegra

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*―☆―* Ella es perfecta *―☆―*

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May 8th
A few months have now passed and it was an up and down experience for everyone. The Madrigals plus Anza were thriving well helping the town and doing more things with each other effectively making more time for one another. Many important dates were now upcoming in la Madrigal household. And although Anza had been apart of the family for some time now Pepa y Félix felt they needed more time with Anza one on one to get to know the girl dating their son.

They planned a perfect day together and while Félix was spending time with Camilo, Anza was being snuck away by Pepa for some important bonding. It was early afternoon when Félix and Camilo took off to go bond somewhere while Pepa was casually offering Anza to help her today at the garden. Of course, Anza immediately said yes and got herself ready to spend the day helping Pepa. She was a bit nervous about being alone with her boyfriends mom but she knew Pepa wouldn't do anything to hurt her or make her uncomfortable.

The walk to the garden was very quiet but Anza's mind was running through multiple things trying to find the right topic to begin a conversation. As her mind wandered more and more Pepa was watching her and smiled to herself before speaking. "You know, Félix use to always help me in the garden when we first met. He loved how happy I looked when tending to las flores."

"Félix is a very charming man. I love the way he cares for you. I see that a lot in Camilo to be fairly honest" Anza replied with a smile as they continued to walk.

Pepa nodded," Sí, sí. Many people say that he takes after Félix in his personal relationships. I'm glad he got that quality."

"He has your care. Also your kindness. I think he is the perfect combination of you both personality wise." Anza said as she leaned to the side thinking to herself.

"Mira ! The flowers are blooming so beautifully!" Pepa said happily as they arrived at the garden. Pepa rushed over to get a closer look at how the flowers were growing.

Anza stood back smiling watching Pepa before heading over and sitting next to her. "No, se mucho de Flores, pero estas se ven hermosas" (translation: I don't know much about flowers, but these look beautiful)

"Ay sí Gracias ! You know when me and Félix first started to date he gave me a flower just like this. Ever since I continue to grow them every year. All the time." Pepa said as she picked a flower and handed it to Anza with a smile.

"I still have the flower crown Camilo gave me. I know it's silly,but that was the first time I gotten something from someone in a long time. Cami always does such sweet things and I hope I can do them for him back." Anza said as she twirled the flower in her hands with a smile.

Pepa looked at Anza, " You know I haven't seen Camilo this happy since Dolores had her children. You make him so happy and I'm so grateful for that."

"Señora Pepa he makes me really happy too. He is the absolute best novio to me. I want to be with him for a long time como you and Félix. I hope I can get your blessing to be with him for as long as I can" Anza spoke nervously as her eyes wandered around all the flowers.

"Ah mija you can just call me Pepa no need for señora. But of course you have my blessing. La familia loves you almost as much as Mi Camilo does. You are a wonderful addition to this family and I hope Camilo doesn't lose you." Pepa grinned as she looked up at the sky and made a rainbow. Pepa was so happy and content at this moment now. She was so blessed to be with someone is who bringing more light and happiness not only to the family but to their son who had been worried about being alone for forever.

La Mariposa | Camilo M. X OCWhere stories live. Discover now