Chapter 11 | La Sorpresa

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*―☆―* El gran día *―☆―*

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September 22nd

Many things have come and gone as memories and treasures came into the world of la Madrigals. So far Luisa was engaged to Luca, Bruno and Rosaria were going to have a child in November, and Mirabel was dating Luca's primo Esteban. Isabela was quite busy with Rosaria planning how to decorate the nursery for their baby. Abuela was preparing the twins for their gift ceremony that will take place in just a week. Pepa y Félix were helping Camilo who was planning something extra special for Anza. Anza was busy planning food with Julieta and Agustín for the twins ceremony.

If the Madrigals were not busy beings before they sure were now as there was much to prepare for and many things that needed help perfecting. A lot was on the Madrigals to make these upcoming events perfect more so to prepare perfectly for any gift the twins will get. Although the adults were ready, the twins were most nervous about a gift that would need to help the family. They constantly were asking Antonio how he got through his ceremony and how it felt.

Antonio could only answer the questions so much before he himself started looking for advice in someone who wasn't gifted into the family, Anza. Anza was in the living room reading her book when the twins and Antonio approached her. Looking up she could see so much curiosity and wonder on their faces and in their eyes. "How may I help you cuties" She spoke softly as she closed her book and sat up giving a small smile.

"The twins and a bit of me want to know what it's like to not be gifted." Antonio said bluntly and the twins nodded in agreement.

Anza let out a small laugh and shook her head to them, " Well it's different for me. I never had a gift nor did anyone in my family so I'm content with not having one. There was not an expectation for someone like me to have one. But you three also know that there's no longer an expectation for you to have a gift either."

"But then how do we help our family?" Viviana questioned sitting on the floor in front of Anza and the other two did the same.

"Mira ñinos you don't need a gift to be considered helpful. Remember how I'm la Mariposa for my kind and helpful nature. I didn't get that because of a gift I got that name from strangers who admired my hard work and my kindness. A gift doesn't make a person, a person is what makes a gift." Anza responded

"What if our gift isn't helpful." Victor asked sadly

"A gift doesn't make you helpful it's you that makes your gift helpful just you. Look at how I help Your tía Julieta. I cook right but my food doesn't heal anyone but it's how I help her to not always cook alone and be reliant on. I also help Camilo with watching children and greeting people only I do not shift into people like him I just be kind and do what others would do." Anza smiled

"Do you wish you had a gift because your dating Camilo?" Antonio asked

Anza giggled," Of course not. My boyfriend has a gift and that's amazing but it's not what I care about. I care about him, himself not this power he has. Sometimes I think a gift would be cool to have I'll admit but it's not something I worry over."

"Cami has the best girlfriend!" Viviana said happily

"We are glad you are with tío Cami !" Victor added

Anza laughed and gave all three kids a hug. "Don't worry about it too much because no matter what I'll still be your number one little Madrigal fan." Anza said as she kissed their heads. The twins giggled and ran away to go play while Antonio stayed and looked at Anza as if to ask more questions.

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