Chapter 12 | Repetirse

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*―☆―*  Lo siento mucho  *―☆―*

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   Camilo was racing to get to Anza. He shifted into the fastest person he knew and just ran. He went exactly where Dolores told him to go and stopped every so often to listen for cries. As he got closer to where Anza was he started to get anxious and more worried thinking she was hurt or in danger. He was feeling so many emotions about what would happen when he seen her and with the possibility of her not being okay physically.

He shifted back to himself as he painted running out of breath and energy. He dragged himself following the cries before he finally found her. "Anza !" He shouted as he rushed over to her. Anza screamed getting startled before realizing who it was and started to push herself up to run away. Camilo immediately noticed her and  softly tackled her and pinned her down gently. " You can't run away from everything !"

Anza tried her best to push him off before giving up. Her energy was drained and she couldn't power through another run, at least not yet. "Get off of me Camilo." Anza shouted at him

"Not until you tell me why you tried to just leave us !" He shouted back

"You were flirting with the girl your grandmother tried setting you up with ! What was I suppose to do ? Be the joke of the town again. Watch the guy I'm in love with fall for someone else !? I'm not doing that!" Anza snapped tears streaming down the sides of her face as she looked up at him.

Camilo groaned and sat up before getting off of her and running his hand through his hair. "Why couldn't you just ask...." He said as his voice trailed off

"And do what ? What would you have done if I was all over some guy ? Stroking his hair, laughing way too hard at his jokes, leaning in close that I could feel his breath on my neck. You tell me how we should do this." Anza said through her sniffles as she sat up wiping away her tears.

" I would never cheat on you. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. If someone is flirting with me I won't know. I don't pay attention to that stuff because I'm looking at you or thinking of you ! But I can't handle you running away every time things get hard. And I know you cope alone but you can't keep shutting me out when something happens. It hurts Anza." Camilo said in a defeated tone.

Anza realized what she had been doing this whole. She realized how cruel she was being towards her own boyfriend without even knowing because she was being selfish. She looked over at him with her red and puffy eyes and gave a small smile. " I am so sorry I put you through so much. I'm sorry I jump every time something bad happens I'm use to it. But I'll try and learn differently. But I can't help being jealous when I see someone flirting with you and what seems like you entertaining it. I can't help that. But I'll work on what I can fix. " Anza said in a small voice that was shaking.

"I love you dummy. But you really need to learn to trust me okay. Because I can't do this alone" Camilo said as he pulled Anza close to him holding her tight. "If this didn't show you how much I love you then I hope this can give you a small sense." He said as he pulled her onto his lap and kissed her. It was a long and deep kiss. A lot of passion and love and longing was held behind this one kiss.

As they pulled away Anza looked up at him at a loss. She hugged him tightly whispering apologies as she noticed his eyes were just as red and just as puffy. She realized how much pain she caused him from just not talking. They sat there for a moment in silence. Before getting up and getting Anza's bag they started their way back home slowly. They talked for awhile about everything. About Anza's emotions with things and about Camilo's struggles too. They talked.

As they made it home after what seemed like an eternity Anza stopped at the living room putting her book back and taking the flower crown before sneaking upstairs with Camilo. The party was still as lovely as they left it. Anza was headed to Mirabel's room when Camilo picked her up and took her to his room. Anza looked at him questioning what he was doing as he closed the door and set her down.

La Mariposa | Camilo M. X OCWhere stories live. Discover now