Chapter 8 | Te Amo

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*―☆―* Por siempre y para siempre *―☆―*

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The world had stopped in that moment. Camilo's eyes were wide at her words, the simplest most complex words. His cheeks dusted with red and his heart was racing he could swear Dolores would be able to hear it. He was overwhelmed with his emotions he didn't know how to react he shifted four times before coming back himself and still sat quietly looking at her.

Anza watched as she could see the panic on Camilo's face and started to quietly laugh as he shifted. Her laugh was mostly hidden by her sniffles as she looked down and wiped her eyes feeling silly about confessing. "Look Camilo, I won't hold you back anymore. I won't keep flirting or kissing or anything. I won't stay at your home long. Thank you for hearing me out. I'll see you." Anza said quietly as she stood up letting go of his hand and walking away quickly.

She was hurt and sad but also she was a little content with how things happened. She could finally let go of her feelings and start looking for another place to call home. She felt dumb getting so close to people who didn't need to know her or didn't need to know what went on in her life. She decided she'd keep a cordial distance from the Madrigals and avoid Camilo as best as she could. Her heart hurt but it was already broken so the pieces were just hurting. She wanted to stop walking and turn back but she couldn't she needed to go forward or else she would be stuck in the same hole she just crawled out of.

Camilo stayed sitting at the fountain watching the girl he loves walk away. He knew he screwed up by not responding but he couldn't help but stay frozen. He heard her laugh, he heard the hint of pain from her, he knew what he did by not leaping to her, but how could he. He was troubled but before realizing it he was up on his feet and running towards her. He called out to her but she didn't hear she just kept walking and before they knew it she was at the door and he was ten feet away staring at her. He tried one last time to call out to her hoping she'd turn around.

She did just that, turning to face Camilo her eyes a little red and puffy already and a sad smile on her face. She didn't speak, neither of them did. Just stared at each other at a distance before Camilo walked towards her his own eyes being red as he came closer. "Anza, I'm sorry" he said softly as he stood in front of her and wiped her tears gently with his thumbs. "I love you. I always have. Since the moment I saw you come to this house. Hearing your name and seeing how gentle you were with children. I have loved you since." His voice was a little shaken as he spoke but his eyes never left hers.

Anza let out a small and sad laugh. She wasn't sure what to make of this because he stood quiet for so long. She didn't fully believe that his words were true. Her mind was running laps of all the possibilities that he could mean or what could happen. "Why did you stay quiet" Anza asked quietly finally breaking her silence.

"Because . . . I was in shock mi amor. And I realized had to also talk to my Abuela about something she was doing for me when I wasn't really sure about some stuff." Camilo answered nervously.

"But you love me back. . .?" She questioned in almost a whisper

Camilo smiled looking at her as he cupped her face with both his hands looking at her lovingly. " My Anza I am completely in love with you. And I'm sorry I couldn't say it right there but I mean it. I want to be with you and one day marry  you and grow old with you mi Mariposa. Please be my girlfriend. Please stay with me and don't leave my side because I just can't have you not in my life" he spoke sweetly his face red maybe from running or from being so close to the girl that makes his heart beat go crazy.

"You are such a dummy Cami" Anza said with a smile her cheeks just as red as his as she stood on her tip toes and leaned in. Camilo closed the distance and kissed her with so much love invested into that one kiss.

La Mariposa | Camilo M. X OCWhere stories live. Discover now