Chapter 7 | Nuevos Comienzos

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*―☆―*  Una nueva aventura  *―☆―*

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   Luisa, Mirabel, and Anza were standing outside her home they were gonna pack up the belongings she wanted and move her into la casita with the rest of the family Madrigal. This choice came after the rumors spread about Anza and her misfortune as well as after Anza sat down with the family and told them the truth along with apologizing to them for the inconveniences she placed on them. They didn't want her to be alone anymore especially not with what she dealt with for the week she stopped coming around.

Anza stood frozen in front of the place she once called home. She was recounting every single memory she had there with her Papá and sad smile spread across her face. "Hey guys, would it be alright if I do this alone ? You guys can wander for a while but I think I should do this alone." Anza said as she continued staring at the door.

Luisa and Mirabel looked at each other for a second before looking back towards Anza. " Okay but we won't be far if you need us just yell okay ?" Mirabel said then the two went on a walk while leaving Anza alone.

Anza took a deep breath before turning the knob and entering her home and looking around. It was so empty and quiet it felt suffocating. She took a few cautious steps around as her hand trailed along the wall and she entered the living room. Her blanket and book was still in the corner where she left it the day before Mirabel and Luisa came to take her out. "Why couldn't you both just be parents to me." Anza muttered to herself as she went over to her room and opened the door.

There was very little items kept in her room so it would be a quick packing trip and leaving but the overwhelming sensation of abandoning the place she once called home was very weighing on her. She sighed and sat on her bed looking around her room. "I wish I was enough to not burden people" Anza spoke to herself as tears started to stream down her cheeks. Just as she started to cry a meow was heard from the open window in her room and she turned to see Luna.

Luna walked over to Anza meowing and rubbed against her causing her to laugh as she petted her. " You know my little guardian you don't always need to come to me. I'll be okay." Anza spoke to the kitten as the kitten sat on her lap looking up at her and meowed again. "The Madrigals are letting me stay with them though I'm not sure how long it'll be I'll be safer. Then you can not worry." Anza smiled as she wiped her tears and kissed the small kitten on the head as she continued to pet her.

Talking to the kitten for a few moments Anza finally stood up and was ready to move on to her new adventure in life. The kitten stayed by her side as she watched her pack her clothes and her few books she had. Anza smiled as she looked to the kitten, " You know I'm afraid I won't see you again. Because the Madrigals make me happy and I want to see you when I'm happy too. So be the amazing adventurer I met and follow me sometimes to them and I'll keep you safe or let me visit you at night at your fountain. You are my favorite being Luna and I'm glad I gave you a safe spot for a day." Anza spoke as she picked up the kitten giving it a soft hug before setting her back down.

Anza walked out of her room with her bags and looked around for anything else that was needed. She went over to her corner on the couch and picked up the book she left flipping to the end where she stashed a photo of her father, her mother, and her on her ninth birthday before her mom left. Looking at it she just felt numb and put back inside closing the book and put it in her bag with her other stuff. Anza grabbed her blanket and wrapped it around her as she headed to the door Luna right behind her and she stopped to look at her empty home one last time.

La Mariposa | Camilo M. X OCWhere stories live. Discover now