Chapter 6: La Verdad

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*―☆―*  Valió la pena  *―☆―*

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They kissed. Anza was the first pull away slowly her face as red as ever as she settled her down on her feet as she loosened her grip around his collar. Camilo's face was just as red as hers and grin was on his lips as he stayed in position hovering over. Silence filled between them for a moment before Camilo finally broke it by saying,"You kissed me."

"D-don't fall for someone else okay" Anza said in a quiet voice as she leaned her head on his chest.

"Mi Mariposa, no one matters besides you and this family. My attention is all yours. I may be nice to others but they aren't always on my wrist" he responded back softly as he adjusted himself so that he was no longer hovering over her.

Mirabel had gathered her sisters and Dolores to see what was happening between the two and they were all excited but tried to keep quiet so they wouldn't break their moment. Antonio had requested Agustín to play the piano to help set the "mood" and just like that the family was working on helping another couple.

Agustín started to play a gentle and romantic song as Julieta sat beside him at the piano with her head on his shoulder. Many people were now slow dancing together which even included Dolores y Mariano but with their kids also in their arms aswell as Pepa y Félix. "May I have this dance Anzcita" Camilo asked stepping back and taking a bow with his hand out to Anza.

Anza smiled and nodded looking up and taking his hand as she was immediately pulled close to Camilo as he placed his hands gently around her and on to her lower back. Anza wrapped her arms around his neck loosely and looked up at him smiling. "Cami i-" Anza started as she tried to apologize or find the right words to start talking with him.

"Mariposa right now let your worries fade. I am here and I will not leave your side. Tomorrow we can talk but right now I just wanna enjoy holding you and seeing that smile that lights up a room." Camilo said cutting her off and placing a gentle kiss on her head.

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The next morning after the big celebration Anza had stayed the night and slept on the floor in the living room after everyone had gone to sleep. She wanted to be downstairs so she could have an early start on helping the family. She woke up extra early and immediately got to cleaning. Casita helped by dragging around some of the mess to the center so Anza could pick it up and throw it away. It didn't take long for her to have the house clean and she looked at the time seeing that she still had an hour before everyone woke up and decided she'd make breakfast for everyone. Taking full hour she had set the table for everyone and had the food layer out on the table and smiled happily.

She was still in the pajamas Isabela lent her and didn't know what else to wear as she only had the two outfits from her past nights here. As she was thinking she heard some doors open and steps coming down stairs. Nervously she ran back into the kitchen and washed the little dishes she dirtied from cooking. Abuela walked in alongside Julieta y Agustín and they all gasped at amazement from the food and cleanliness from the home. " Who did all this?" Abuela questioned

"Hola " Julieta called into the kitchen as she heard noise there

Anza peeked out and gave a small wave towards them causing Abuela to laugh and smile at her. "Ah Anza you do so much for us Gracias."

La Mariposa | Camilo M. X OCWhere stories live. Discover now