Izzy Imagine 01

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Giving birth to your first baby

It was a pretty normal day for you, and Izzy. You did what you always do in the mornings. Shower, brush your teeth, get ready, eat breakfast and then take your puppy, Snuggles, for a walk. Then, you went on with your day but something seemed off. You had to use the bathroom an awful lot, which wasn't normal, but you didn't think much of it.

You sat down beside Izzy, who was watching TV. It was now twelve in the morning, and you knew Izzy was planning on going to the studio with Axl and the band.

"Hey babe. Do you have any idea why I am peeing so much?" You sighed, placing a hand on your stomach.

"No, maybe the baby's just moving around and putting pressure on your bladder. Probablys nothing important." He shrugged off, never taking his eyes off the tv.

You sighed and rested your head on his shoulder, looking over at what he was watching that was so interesting. He was watching a documentary about some band from the 50s you've never even heard of, typical Izzy.

You were just about to fall asleep when suddenly a sharp pain shot through your stomach. You jumped and gasped in pain, your hand grasping onto Izzy's thigh.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" He asked, placing his hand on top of yours.

You couldn't speak, you were in so much pain. It felt like you were going to die, but again, you were about to have a child.

"I.. Fuck. Izzy take me to the hospital! I think I'm having contractions.." You managed to get out, your nails I
digging into his thigh more.

"Shit! Let me call Axl. I don't have my car.." He sighed, jumping up from the couch and running for the phone hanging on the wall.

You groaned in pain as you listened to Izzy frantically telling Axl, your best friend, that you were about to birth a child. You felt another sharp pain come through you body, causing you to scream out loud in pain and horror. You have never felt anything worse.

"He's on his way." Izzy panted, running over to you on the couch, "Um how many contacts have you had in two minutes?"

"It's contractions dummy! And two!" You shrieked, anger and frustration showing, "Where the FUCK is AXL!?"

Izzy placed his hand on your exposed knee, rubbing your skin, "You need to calm down, he's going to be here soon!" He promised.

Everything hurt so bad you thought you could see stars. Izzy was trying to be supportive, but you were in so much pain, it was hard for you not to snap on him. You loved Izzy, but right now he was your biggest enemy.

Axl busted through the front door, panting from running up the stairs so quick. You felt some relief rush over you, but you were in so much pain, it wasn't even funny.

"HURRY UP! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH PAIN I AM IN!" You yelled, slapping Izzy on the head, bringing him back to reality.

"Ouch, stand up so I can help you to the car." He groaned, grasping your hand.

You stood up, another contraction shooting through you. You almost fell over due to how much pain you were in. You were definitely not having another baby.

(Time Skip)

"Okay Mrs. Stradlin! Are you ready to give birth to your baby?" The doctor, Dr Henderson, asked making you sigh.

"Get this thing out of me! I'm in so much fucking pain!" You begged, grasping onto Izzy's hand as the contractions were almost every second.

The doctor lifted the curtain between your legs up, analyzing you. He noticed that the baby's head was barely visable, meaning you were going to have your baby soon.

"We can just about see the head, so are you ready? This might be a painful and long process." He explained, slipping gloves onto his hands.

"Anything to see my baby." You panted, trying to catch your breath.

He nodded and lifted the curtain up, placing his hands near my bum, prepared for the baby.

"Okay, soft push." He instructed, looking at me from his position.

You listened, pushing ever so slightly. You started to breath heavily because of all the pain streaming through your body.

"Take some breaths, you need to calm yourself down." Dr Henderson instructed, making you roll your eyes.

Izzy rubbed your hair out of your face, pressing a kiss on your forehead.

"Baby, you need to listen to the doctor." Izzy sighed, trying to get you to calm down.

"Stradlin, don't even." You warned, giving your husband a glare.

He backed up a little, knowing not to mess with you during this process. You started to take some deep breaths, listening to the doctor.

(Time Skip Again. Sorry I'm lazy)

It was a long, hard process, but you finally gave birth to you and Izzy's first child. After the last push, you felt relief flush over you.

"It's a beautiful baby boy! Congrats Mr and Mrs Stradlin." The doctor cheered, holding up your baby.

You felt a bunch of emotions wash over you, mainly happiness. You looked at Izzy, tears coating both your eyes. He smiled at you as tears ran down his cheeks.

"Good job Y/n. I love you so much." He praised, kissing your lips with such passion.

You pulled away and laughed at his actions. The doctors congratulationed you both so much.

"What should we name him Iz?" You asked, rubbing your husband's cheek.

"I'm thinking Preston." Izzy smiled, watching as your child was being carried back in after cutting the ambilical cord.

You smiled and nodded, agreeing with his choice for a name. Preston.

"I love it." You giggled, taking your son on your arms.

He looked a lot like Izzy. He had his black hair, and his beautiful features. He had your eyes though. His (your eye color) brought out his beautiful features.

You watched as your son opened his eyes, looking directly at his dad. You felt tears coming back, falling deeply in love with your son.

"Look, hes got your eyes babe!" Izzy called out, breaking the silence.

"Preston Lane Stradlin." You smiled, looking at your family.

You loved them so much.


If you don't like the name you are more than welcome to chance it to something else<3 it's just the first thing I thought of.

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