Slash Imagine 03

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Meeting the guys.

Today was an important day for you and Slash. Today you were going to meet Guns n Roses. This seemed awfully weird to you considering you were rarely going to see them anyways. Tour was starting soon, and you weren't going to be able to see Slash, let alone the band.

"Baby! You almost done?, we gotta get going!" Saul called from downstairs, making me you smile and giggle to yourself.

You'd think you would be the one worried, but Saul was worried sick. He wanted to make sure he looked his best, and that you were comfortable coming. Of course you wanted to meet the band, but you were worried on how they'd react. You heard that Axl had a horrible temper, Izzy rarely talked, Duff didn't seem too bad, and you heard Steven was the friendliest but had problems with keeping his mouth shut.

"Coming, darling!" You smiled, walking down stairs in your jeans, white tanktop and sneakers.

Once you met Saul's eyes, you felt your heart drop. He was dressed almost the same, a black tanktop resting on his body and jeans hugging his legs, along with some blue converse.

"Babe. I told you not to match me." Saul panicked, pacing rhe floor.

"Saul, stop worrying. Our outfits don't matter! Now, don't we have to get going?" You explained, snapping him put of his panicky trance.

He quickly nodded and grabbed your hand, practically dragging you out of the house. You laughed at his antics as he opened the car door for you. You smiled and thanked him, slipping into his car and buckling up. Saul slipped into the driver seat and met your eyes.

"It's okay." You laughed, "They'll love me."

"Yeah, they will." He laughed back, earning a smile from you.

(Time Skip)

"This is the fanciest place I've ever seen." You mumbled, holding onto Saul's hand as you two walked towards Axls house.

Saul told you everyone agreed to meet at Axls. You didn't have anything against him, but his house was a little over the top.

"You're telling me. Just wait til you meet Axl." He stated, making you a little nervous. "He'll most likely try to flirt with you."

"What?!" You gasped, squeezing his hand tighter.

"Calm down. I won't let him." He chuckled, ringing the door bell.

You heard talking from inside, and the faint sound of music playing. You listened to someone hurry to the door. You watched the door fly open and ginger haired man standing there. You met his green eyes and he gently smiled, causing you to smile back. He allowed you and Saul to slip past, entering the fancy home.

"You must be y/n." You heard the ginger speak, catching your attention.

"Oh yeah. You're.. Axl, right?" You guessed earning a smile and a nod.

"The guys are in the living room." Axm spoke to Saul, earning a hum.

Saul and you walked into the large area, seeing guitars and a set of drums set up near some seats. You looked around, seeing placks and pictures hung on the wall along with some "decorative" holes in the drywall.

"Slash! You made it man!" You heard a cheery man's voice, which belonged to the short blonde one.

He sat on the floor, his legs crossed and drumsticks in his hand. You smiled at him as he got up from the ground and made his way over to you two.

"Stevie, this is y/n!" Saul introduced you, making you blush a little.

"Hi y/n! Hey, you're almost as tall as me." Steven mentioned, making you giggle and nod.

"More like your almost as tall as her." Axl called from the kitchen.

Steven laughed and headed back to the spot he was sitting at. Saul released your hand and headed into the loving room, sitting on a chair and starting to talk to the guys. You followed him and stood beside him, not wanting to be a burden.

"Oh yeah, that's Izzy." Saul mentioned, pointing to a black haired man who sat with his legs crossed and a beer in his hands.

You nodded as you looked at the man, taking in his hair. It was all crazy and parted so some of it was to the side. You liked it, it was definitely different.

"And that's Duff." He pointed to the man sitting beside Izzy.

You looked in his direction, meeting his lovely eyes. You smiled at him as he looked you up and down, his eyes staying on your shoes. You looked looked to see you were wearing your normal black vans.

"I like your shoes." He spoke up, making you nod.

"Thank you. Also it's nice to meet all of you, you seem like some nice people." You stated, looking up and meeting eyes with Steven, Izzy, Duff and Axl.

"Do you really love Slash?" Axl asked, catching your attention.

"With all my heart." You reassured, "And I know his previous girlfriends have probably said that, but I actually mean it."

You looked back at Saul and smiled, earning a little wink. You blushed and turned back to Axl, smiling at him slightly.

"Good." Axl mumbled as you felt Saul grab your hand.

"I love you too." He whispered, making you blush and smile.

You smiled at Saul as he pulled you onto his lap. You felt your cheeks glow red as everyone turned their heads towards you two. Saul kissed the back of your head, making you smile a little.

"Welcome to the family!" Steven cheered, making you laugh.

All the guys cheered and

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