Slash Imagine 02

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Imagine catching him cheat

Today was your first day at your new job. You worked as an assistant for some high-class law firm, which Saul said you'd be perfect for the position. You could definitely say you were surprised, but there wasn't a part of you that wasn't nervous.

You had just packed up all of your belongings, heading for the exit of the huge, chilled building. Your boss sent you home a little ealier than your schedule, which you didn't mind.

You headed for the door, slipping your bag onto your shoulder. Your bag carried some papers you had to sign, agreeing to different things like you're not allowed to leave meetings unless there's a legitimate reason and so on. Rules of a normal law firm.

You felt the warm, spring air hit your skin. You walked down the clean, white stairs, waving a taxi down. You ran the the yellow car, opening the back door and telling him your desired location.

He started off, giving you a chance to buckle and situate yourself. Saul's house wasn't too far from your job, which you were happy about.

After the five minute ride, which you used to start signing papers, you tipped the driver and headed out of the car. You closed the door and shoved your bag further onto your shoulder. You headed for the houses front door, jingling your keys.

You put the key in the keyhole and turned to the left, unlocking the door. You turned the handle and slipped off your shoes, sitting your bag beside them.

"Saul!? I'm home!" You called out into the dark, silence overtaking your voice.

You felt anxiety wash over you, the house was dark, which wasn't normal. Not to mention that Saul wasn't answering.

Maybe he wasn't home. But his car was in the driveway.

"Saul!" You called again, hoping for an answer.

Still no answer.

At that point, you decided to head upstairs. Maybe he was sleeping, or hungover.

Once you reached the bedroom door, your heart sank. Something that sounded like moans and groans came from the bedroom, followed by Saul's name in a female voice.

You started pacing, Saul's really cheating. You felt tears forming in your eyes. Saul wanted you to get a job, he insisted. Was it all so he could just fuck some whores?

The tears dropped down in your cheeks as you heard a loud moan. You wiped your tears and took a deep breath, gaining some courage to confront him.

You reached for the door, your hand rapidly shaking. Your hand connected with the knob, turning slowly. You opened the door to see Saul layed on the bed with a brunette chick playing with his very little chest hair.

He jumped up, fear taking over his body. You felt your heart break, he really did cheat.

"Saul... Why?" You cried out, your hands shaking.

"Baby.." He cooed, slipping out of bed, his boxers on his thighs.

"Don't! Is that why you wanted me to get a job." You asked, the anger taking over.

He looked down, nodding a little. You rolled your eyes and heading down the stairs. You listened as Saul followed, not too far behind. You ran and grabbed your shoes.

"Y/n wait. I'm sorry." He begged, "Please don't leave."

"You should have thought about that before you stuck your dick in her." You snapped, turning to see Saul's teary eyes.

"She's a no one, please." He begged once again, making you shake your head.

You were getting so annoyed.

"You know.. I can't believe I trusted you." You sighed, running your shakey hands through your hair.

"Y/n please. I won't do it again!" He cried, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Like I believe that." You sniffled, "I don't think I can ever trust you again, Saul."

He nodded and wiped his tears. It hurt you to see him sad, but again he did cheat on you.

"If you want to leave, I understand." He sighed, his voice shaking.

You nodded and opened the front door. Something in you forced you to stop before exiting the house. You didn't want to leave, you loved Saul.

"I don't think I'll be gone forever, I mean you're a Rockstar, what can I expect." You sniffed, trying to calm down, "I think what's best is we just take a break."

He nodded as you prepared to leave. You didn't want to go but it was for the best.

"I still love you." You mumbled, leaving the house.

"I love you too!" He yelled, catching your attention.

You kept walking down the street, leaving Saul alone. He decided it was time for him to change for the best, to get you back.

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