Axl Imagine 01

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You think Axl forgets your birthday.

You woke up in the bedroom of your Rockstar boyfriend, Axl Rose, awaiting breakfast in bed. Today was your birthday and you knew Axl was going to spoil you, like always.

You looked beside you, finding a note resting on his pillow. You grab the paper, scanning his handwritting.


I won't be home today. I have to go finish some stuff on the album and we are going out afterward. Make sure to eat and drink!

Love, Axl.

You gripped the paper as your stomach sunk. You sighed and crumbled the paper into a ball and threw it across the room. Axl really forgot your birthday.

You spent your day cleaning, it seemed to calm you down some. You were totally devastated. You were dancing around, cleaning the house as you rocked out to Led Zeppelin. Your dancing was interrupted when a knock erupted from the front door.

You stopped the music and hurried over to the door, hoping Axl was on the other side as a surprise.

"Hey Y/n!" Slash greeted, causing you to sigh and allow him to slip past you. "Woah.. Did you reorganize the whole house?"

"Yeah. Do you know what today is?" You asked, hoping Slash would remember.

"I dunno! Another day I guess." He yawned, hurrying over to the couch.

You felt your heart shatter, causing forgetting hurt enough, but Slash, your bestfriend forgetting was different.

"Where's Ax?" You asked, sitting down beside the poofy haired man.

"Studio. Fixing some stuff up with the other guys!" He smiled, throwing his arm around me, "Thought you'd need some company."

"Aren't you supposed to be there? You're pretty important when it come to the band, your the lead guitarist." You asked, earning a laugh.

"Nah! They can just use my recordings. They'll figure something out." He yawned, closing his eyes as you sighed and turned your attention to the television.

Today was horrible, it was almost 6 in the afternoon and not one person told you happy birthday. You felt like everyone didn't care anymore.

Slash got you to go out with him for a while, allowing you to get some stuff off your mind. You were hoping to find Axl, Steven, Duff and Izzy, but they weren't out like Axl mentioned.

"Saul. Axl is taking forever." You sighed, heading inside the house.

The lights flickered on and people jumped from behind furniture and things. Everyone screamed the word you hated, surprise.

"Happy Birthday babe!" You heard Axl call as he ran towards you.

He tried to hug you but you pushed past him and headed for your bedroom. After everything you went through today, you couldn't believe this.

"Babe.. Y/n. What's wrong?" Axl asked, grabbing your wrist and turning you towards him.

He looked into your teary eyes, his brows furrowed.

"I thought you forgot about me." You whimpered, burying your face into his chest.

"I would never forget the day my favorite person was born. That would be absolutely crazy!" He sighed, tilting your chin up and pecking your lips.

You smiled into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Let's go party!" You laughed, being picked up by Axl.

"I'd love to." You laughed, being carried down the stairs.

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