Chapter 6- Remembering Sunday

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Songs Mentioned: I Miss You- blink-182, Remembering Sunday-All Time Low (yes I changed all feminine pronouns to he/him for story purposes its all original to ATL though <3)

Jack's POV:

I thought Alex moving in would make things better for both of us. It seemed to help but that connection seemed to just worsen over time. I didn't know what I was doing, but his parents were constantly contacting him nonstop now. I think Alex felt obligated to please them, whatever it was. Sometimes I would just lay in bed at night and question everything, I felt like I was losing him. When college came around it was only harder on both of us, I went from seeing him every day to maybe twice a week. Calls and text messages every single day, to sometimes utter silence. I was beginning to be the one who contacted him first all the time, I felt unloved. I genuinely wondered sometimes, if Alex was better off without me. But the question was... was I better off without him? I knew our connection was still there, I missed my best friend a lot too. I loved him so much, but I could begin to tell the fact that our relationship was taking a toll on him. This whole situation made me feel like a complete inconvenience to him all the time. We had been together for around 9 months now, but sometimes these weeks it felt like he just didn't care.

I woke up to my phone ringing around ten in the morning, I wouldn't have to even be up yet my classes didn't start until past noon. I groaned and felt the tiredness in my body that made me ache. I grabbed my phone hoping it was Alex, but it was just Zack.

"What's up man, it's fucking early," I groaned rubbing my eyes.

"Jack gets up, you have been in bed all weekend and you skipped the last few days. Are you okay? Is Alex still being distant?" Zack asked. He sounded very awake, but to be fair he was quite a morning person because he enjoyed morning workouts.

"Zack I'm fine, just really tired, and yeah he still is, I should be used to it now," I sighed, flopping over in my bed.

"Jack this is taking a toll on you, I'm worried about you, maybe you should try calling him? Or at least taking him to lunch somewhere?" Zack suggested. Maybe he was right, but then again Zack seemed to always be right so, of course, I agreed instinctively.

"Okay... fine I'll go. Thanks for getting me out of bed," I laughed.

Eventually, after a few minutes, I took a shower and got dressed in casual attire. My outfit consisted of unwashed jeans, a blink-182 t-shirt, and some sweatshirt I had hanging up in my closet. I sat down and had some coffee with toast since my cooking capabilities were limited. I pulled out my laptop to start some homework and I texted Alex hoping for a response.

Jack: Hey babe it's been a while. Can we meet up for lunch? I'm buying :)

Alex: Hey sure that sounds awesome. Can I meet you at the café across the street from your dorm around 1?

Jack: Sure babe see you then, love you.

Alex: <3

When it was time, I headed over and got what I wanted and sat down at our table. I brought my laptop just in case he was late, which usually was about twenty minutes. But those twenty minutes passed pretty quickly, and I didn't want to be a bother so I pushed myself not to text him. I already seemed needy, or clingy so I didn't want to make him angered at me. But when twenty minutes turned into a half-hour, a half-hour into forty-five minutes, and then forty-five to an hour I wasn't happy at all. I eventually got so impatient, I just discarded my trash and got another coffee to go back to my dorm. When I started crossing the street, I saw him running directly to the spot I would end up. I rolled my eyes to cover it up, but in reality, I was on the verge of crying and I didn't want him to see it.

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