Chapter 7- We've Done This Dance a Thousand Times

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CW: Smut

–Current Time–

Jack's POV:

It couldn't be real, it was him right in front of me with the same confused expression I had painted across my face. I felt everything that I had felt 7 years ago, he was Alex. I always loved Alex.

"I'm uhm I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen, I can leave," Alex said with his hands beginning to shake.

"I didn't know either, but uhm stay can we talk?" I said nervously sitting down in the chair of my hotel room.

He hesitantly nodded and sat down next to me. We sat in silence for a few minutes, until we both opened our mouths to say we were sorry at the same time which made us laugh.

"You wanna go first?" I asked him, blushing slightly.

"I do, and I wanna say how sorry I am Jack. I should have never treated you that way, and you deserved so much better, I miss my best friend, and I miss you and I have for every year that has passed Jack. The only reason I got distant was to please my parents, which I realized was my mistake in leaving you. You were the only thing I had left. I didn't know what to say, so I never said anything," Alex sighed as he looked down at the ground disappointed.

"I'm sorry too, I should have tried to work things out. I did eventually let go, but I never really did either. I miss you, I miss us still sometimes. I've tried moving on, but I never could," I sighed looking at him.

He moved his glance towards me and smiled a little bit. "I don't even know why I married her, she doesn't love me. I really only married her to gain my parents' approval, and I'm still pretty gay. She doesn't even like me," He sighed.

"Alex I'm so sorry," I sighed.

He nodded and looked like he wanted to tell me something again. "I wouldn't mind spending a night with you, one more time. I mean the party brought us together. It must mean something," Alex muttered looking back into my eyes.

"Are you talking about a one-night stand, Alexander?" I asked him, walking over to his chair.

"I don't know, let's just see where it goes JB," He said, placing his hands on my waist.

I shiver at his touch, it was always my favorite one. I picked him up gently, placing my hands on his ass and putting him onto the king-sized bed in my hotel room. He lays there, spreading his legs wide for me as I crawl on top of him. He grabs my neck and pulls me down to kiss him with full tongue how he always admires. I feel his legs wrap around my waist, pulling my hips down to him.

"Lexy has it been a while you seem really ready," I said, kissing his upper chest.

"Yeah she doesn't give me any," He said, grabbing onto my back tightly. "Besides it's never the same without you Jack."

I nodded, and took off his suit jacket, and unbuttoned his shirt with the flick of my fingers. He looked handsome as always, and I took it off him instantly. Alex pulled himself up on my lap and began to undress me while pressing his lips to mine. I couldn't exaggerate how much I missed this, how much I missed him. We were now pressed up against each other exchanging body heat, I could feel the warmth of his chest pressed up against mine. I gasped slightly, as his hand moved down to my belt buckle, and Alex could fully see I was just as horny and desperate as he was. I waited for him to take them off, and once he did I didn't waste any time taking him off. Soon we were both in our boxers and under the covers of the bed.

"Jack please, I need your touch... I need you so bad," Alex said as he kissed me more.

"I know Alex, just relax. Do you need to be stretched?" I asked him while I left a hickey on his upper chest.

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