Chapter 15- You're Like The Sunshine

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CW: Smut

Alex's POV

The whole weekend, Jack took care of me. He helped me eat, he always gave me the best cuddles and just talked to me or either sat in silence with me. If I cried, he would hold me and keep me safe from my internal monsters. I felt safe from my own gloom when I was with him, he saved me from my January Gloom. I didn't like being alone if I wasn't without him, he was my sense of safety. I needed my Jack. I took the week off work, for a personal matter and my manager luckily understood. Jack couldn't take the week off though, he was a very busy man. I sometimes forget how my boyfriend owns two of the busiest bars and the busiest nightclub in Baltimore. He's the life of the party, and I am just nobody compared to him. I didn't understand sometimes why he liked me, men would line up for him who are better than me. I pushed the self-doubt out of my head, and just tried to get better for my Jack. I heard his alarm go off this morning, and I felt his body move out from under me. I whimpered as he got up, and I looked up at him and rubbed my eyes.

"Shhh baby go back to sleep, I have to take a shower. I will be back." Jack whispered to me, as he kissed the top of my forehead. I tugged his hand, begging for him to stay with me and he sighed. "I have to go today Alex. if things get bad you can sit in my office okay? But you need to sleep right now okay?" Jack told me, as he stroked my hair trying to get me back to sleep.

I nodded and drifted off as soon as he comforted me. I have been pretty tired the last few days because of my stress levels. It was easy to just sleep everything off, it helped me stay calm. I felt Jack kiss me goodbye, but I must not have woken up. I glance a the clock when I do, and it is around 10 am. I jumped nearly when I realized I was alone, and I felt tears come to my eyes. I began to cry, and I really just wanted Jack. I scrambled for my phone, and quickly found his contact to call him.

"Hey,, baby... wait what's wrong? Are you crying?"  Jack asked me worriedly he was able to tell so quickly.

"I I I miss you." I cried while I cuddled Baz in bed.

"Shhh, I know baby. I'll tell you what, I will pick you up on my break, and you can stay with me in my office for the rest of the day. I'm the boss... I really don't mind. Get dressed okay? I will be there in ten minutes." He said to me, I was grateful he was willing to let me stay with him.

"Thank you, Jacky," I smiled, as I wiped my tears with my hand.

"Yeah of course baby. I love you, I will be there soon," He said as he hung up the phone.

I got up out of bed, and I wanted to try to look at least decent. I grabbed a pair of jeans from my suitcase, and I kept Jack's hoodie on. I grabbed a hat from my bag to cover my bedhead, and then I brushed my teeth. I sat on the couch waiting for Jack, and then eventually I heard the door unlock and I saw my boyfriend walk in.

"Hey, it's okay you are safe now baby," Jack told me, as he hugged me and helped me up off the couch. "I'm so proud of you for trying to do this on your own." He smiled, as he kissed the top of my forehead and held my hand.

I nodded, and he helped me walk to the door and get in his car. He was so sweet to me after everything that has happened in the past, I honestly questioned what I did to deserve my Jack. We got Taco Bell for lunch, and we walked to his office and he locked the door once we got in.

"You can sit on the couch or across from me, help yourself to whatever babe. There is soda and snacks in the mini-fridge, and some stuff in the box over there." He smiled, as he sat down in his chair and began to eat his lunch. I sat across from him and started eating too. I liked his concentrated glance as he worked, he was so focused. I wasn't going to lie, one of my most embarrassing habits was when I got horny when I was upset. I looked at his dark brown eyes and fell into their gaze. Jack smiled at me, and leaned over and kissed my lips sweetly

I kissed him in return, accidentally pressing my tongue against his lips practically begging for entry. He allowed it, and our tongues intertwined within seconds. I guess he had the same embarrassing habit I grew over the years. His hand pressed to my face within seconds, and he began to lean over his desk to kiss me closer. Jack in dress clothes was really hot, the pants perfectly shaped his ass while the tie hung gently and my desire to take off his shirt only grew more.

All I wanted to do at that moment was be with him, nothing else mattered.

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