Chapter 12- Thrills Don't Come For Free

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TW: Slight Mention of Abuse Near the End, you are good until Alex starts talking about what's bothering him, F slur twice used.

Jack POV:

I was in my loft, just lounging around in my apartment on a Saturday and I looked at my phone to see I was getting a call from Zack. I wasn't expecting it, mainly because he always texts me when he calls but I answered immediately.

"Hey man, what's up?" I asked him as I propped my feet up over the edge of my leather couch.

"Nothing much Jack, but I got on my feed that you were following Alex and I should follow him... is there anything you want to tell me?" Zack asked me, with a suspicious tone in his voice that always showed up when regarding Alex.

"Uhm well... It's a long story?" I laughed.

"Well I wanna know, I don't need anyone hurting my best friend like that ever again Jack, as Zack said sternly, he always looked out for me. It was really sweet.

"That masquerade party I went to for work, I ended up meeting this dude right? I was falling head over heels for him, I even compared him to Alex in my head. But when we went back to my hotel room to have sex and take off our masks, I saw he was Alex. I nearly flipped out and so did he, but we ended up talking things out and it really helped us. We had a date after sex that night, and I even stayed over at his house for almost two days mainly before his wife came home. I haven't seen him in three days... maybe I should call?" I asked Zack nervously awaiting his advice.

"What the hell Jack?" He asked me as he sighed.

"He's Alex I'm going back to him," I said sternly.

"I understand that, but I don't want you getting hurt. I mean he's married to a woman, Jack." Zack said, trying to make me understand what could happen. I did appreciate how much he cared though, I always did.

"Yeah I guess so, but he loved me and I love him," I said.

"Okay man, then I'm happy for you," Zack told me through the phone.

"Thanks, I have to go soon to talk to you later?" I said.

"Yeah no problem man," Zack laughed as he hung up the phone.

I smiled and put it down, and realized how much he meant to me and how much I wanted to protect him. I loved him, and I was happy that Zack knew now. I hadn't seen Alex in a few days, I thought maybe it would be a good time to have him come over to my place, I missed him. I grabbed my phone and went to Alex's contact to call him.

"Hey Jack, I miss you," He said.

I smiled instantly at the sound of his voice, I missed hearing it. "Hey, uhm you wanna come over tonight?" I asked, blushing a little bit.

"Sure, I just uhm have to come up with an excuse okay? I'll be there though," He said. His voice sounded nervous, and I wondered why. He seemed so different when I knew he was alone with her.

"Okay, I'll order takeout so send me your Chinese order," I said.

"Thanks, Jacky, I'll see you soon, send me your address to your loft," He said as he hung up abruptly.

I was shocked he hung up without letting me say any goodbye to him, I wanted to talk but I guess he didn't have time. I was probably being too clingy anyways, I always tended to sometimes and it probably annoyed him. I didn't want to get dressed, so I just stayed in my white sweatpants and the t-shirt I was wearing. I ended up falling asleep on the couch and taking a nap since it was only three o'clock in the afternoon.

I woke up to knocking on the door, like really loud knocking. It scared me a little bit. I glanced at the clock, and saw it was six and I realized I fell asleep and Alex was coming over. Great Jack, already screwing things up with your boyfriend. I ran to the door not remembering I was wearing socks, and slipping and falling on my ass. I hope that Alex didn't hear the slam of me falling, but he probably did. I mean that's my luck for you. I slid myself to the door and saw Alex standing there with a backpack and looking at me on the floor.

"Uhm did you take a nap and then wake up and fall on the floor?" Alex asks while his lips curl into a smile.

"Maybe," I laughed as he pulled me up off the ground.

He smiled, and pulled me by my waist, and kissed me and it was nice. I noticed he looked a little down, I didn't know what was wrong so I decided to help him sit down and get warm under a blanket.

"Alex, are you okay? You look like you got the wind knocked out of you or something..." I said as I sat down next to Alex.

"Mhm I just uhm uh," He sighed as he leaned his head on my lap. I could tell he was hurting, but I just didn't know why he was.

"Hey it's okay you can tell me anything, remember?" I smiled, as I stroked his hair.

"Mhm it's just uhm Lisa she's so mean to me," He frowned.

I hated to see him hurting, and I wanted to help him. I held his hand and kissed his forehead. "What happened?" I asked him.

"She found my lingerie on the floor, and she called me a fag again, and she said I'm just so stupid and anxious and that I don't deserve her. I just wanna stay with you," Alex sighed as he began to tear up.

"Baby that's because you don't. You deserve better, and I want to be that for you okay? And you look beautiful in it, you are so beautiful always okay? You aren't stupid, I promise." I said to him, as I rubbed his hand as I held it and I wiped away his tears.

"Okay, I just hate being there Jack I just wanna be with you," Alex said, as he grabbed my waist and clung to it.

"Well... I want that too. You will be okay, and once you tell her you can stay here for a while if you need to." I said to him, as I pulled him onto my lap and rubbed his back.

"She just scares me, Jack. She even did this when she found it," He muttered. He moved up his shirt, and you could see a visible bruise on his upper chest. I felt bad for him, and I honestly was pissed I didn't want anyone to hurt him. He was my Alex.

"Baby, you are staying here, she isn't gonna hurt you anymore. I'll protect you. I said as I held onto him.

"Mhm," He groaned as he laid on me. He didn't look like he was taking care of himself, he looked scared.

"Have you been taking care of yourself? Do you need help?" I asked him.

"Mhmm, I'm hungry and thirsty she locked me yesterday," Alex told me as he clutched my shirt in his hand.

I nodded and tried to get up but he wouldn't let me. I carried him to the kitchen and placed him on the counter, while I got some bread and peanut butter and jelly to make him a sandwich. I got him some water, and he started to sip it while I made us sandwiches. He was so tired, so weak I had to hold his sandwich and help him eat. Afterward, I helped him get down to his boxers and into my bed even though it was only 7.

"Sleep baby, you need it okay?" I whispered as I helped him into my bed.

"Don't leave, Can you hold me?" Alex asked as he held my hand tightly.

"Yeah of course," I said as I got into bed behind him. I wrapped my arm around his waist, and he moved closer to me. I kissed him, and he fell asleep instantly. I was really worried about him.

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