Chapter Sixty-Three: Sickness

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Queen Victoria of Cambridge

April 15th, 1521

I sat besides Henry in his council meeting. Much to our dismay a plaque was sweeping through our nation and it has come to our boarder. 

"It has come to our attention that Mary, The Duchess of Suffolk has had this sickness for a while Majesties." Lord Hartford said and I quickly looked at Henry, 

"Mary! What of little Henry and The Duke of Suffolk?" I asked making sure to put the son first so no one would look at me. 

"They have been separated from the Duchess. But they show no signs of having the sickness. A doctor give Mary three days to live and so they say the royal family should say their goodbyes soon." He said and I turned to see the look of hurt in Henry's eyes. 

"Thank you Lord Hartford. May you ready a carriage so His Majesty and I may go see his sister?" I offered and Henry let out a noise. 

"You a pregnant Victoria." 

"And? I have been around sick people the moment we started noticing it." I began as I lowered my hand on my belly. 

"Mary was the first one to welcome me as the new Queen. I shall be there to say goodbye." I finished and Lord Hartford nodded. 

"The carriage shall be ready in an hour. It take thirty minutes to get to The Duchess's estate." He informed before he bowed his head and left the room. 

"How do we tell the children? How do I tell Margaret? She is going through enough with her own sons being away from her." Henry said and I sighed. 

"I will tell the children. You speak to Margaret and by the time the carriage is ready, Margaret can decide if she wants to come with us." I offered and Henry nodded before he leaned over and pressed a kiss to my forehead. 

"I do not know what I would do without you. When we get there you will see Mary only in a room with a lot of windows. And you will not get close to her." He said and I went to say something but nodded as I bowed my head. 

"Of course." I whispered before he released me and I walked out of the room to see Morgana and Emilia standing there. 

"The Duchess of Suffolk has the sickness. She is told she will not survive three days. Henry and I are going to see her." I said and I watched as Emilia's eyes filled with tears. 

"The children?" 

"Will stay here with Morgana. I want you to come Emilia." 

Emilia bowed her head and I turned to Morgana. 

"I need your help telling the children their aunt is dying. Can you help me?" I asked and I was shocked to hear my voice crack. 

I loved Mary when I first met her and then when I heard her crush on Charles I hated her. How could this blood born Princess steal the man I secretly loved and gave an heir too?

"Of course. Shall we?" She asked as we began our way towards the royal nursery.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One Hour Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat in the carriage wiping tears away as we made our way closer to Mary's home. From what Lord Hartford told us she had few help staying with her. 

Charles wrote her daily and kept her updated on little Henry's progress of him getting older but she wouldn't be able to say goodbye to her only living child.

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