Chapter Fifty-Two: Christening

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Queen Victoria of Cambridge

November 23rd, 1519

I held Albert in my arms as Henry had just returned from his christening. Albert was born ten days ago and Henry had told the entire nation that Albert was his son and anyone who would question it would be charged.

"How did he do?" I asked as Mary stepped towards me and ran her fingers over her brother's head.

"He was quiet and glared at the Archbishop when he poured the holy water over his head," Henry explained and I chuckled as I looked down at my son and sighed softly.

"Is something wrong?" Henry asked and I smiled softly.

'You have both your heir and your spare Henry. But I want a daughter now." I whispered and Henry smiled softly at me. Before he could say anything the doors opened and in came Charles, Mary, Liam, Jonathan, and Morgana.

Henry and I had both decided to name Charles, Morgana, and the King of France as Albert's godparents.

"Puis-Je tenir mon filleul?" (May I hold my godson?) Morgana asked and I lifted Albert up so she could hold him.

"Why couldn't Henri and Edward come?" Mary asked as she wrapped her arms around me and I smiled as I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"They are too young to attend church and do not understand as we do," I explained as I fixed her headdress and turned to my brothers.

"Mary did a good job holding his robe," Liam explained as he bowed his head to me before sitting down.

"That is wonderful! Where is Francisca?" I asked as I stood up and reached for my water goblet. I sipped softly and raised an eyebrow at Liam.

"She is with mother preparing for the wedding. Now, all we have to do is have Jonathan court a lady." He said and I chuckled before I watched as Charles stepped towards Albert and took him into his arms.

As the days have passed since Albert was born he has some Tudor features but what terrifies me is he had no Cambridge features and Brandon Features.

I looked towards Henry and he grinned as his best friend held his godson.

"He is a strong lad Henry!"

"If I do say so myself! Victoria has blessed me with two very healthy sons!"

"Now big brother, when shall you try for a Princess? Little Mary is getting outnumbered!" Mary told her brother and I looked down to my stepdaughter and winked at her.

"Perhaps after Vicky heals. We do have to give her time." Henry said with a smirk before the door opened and in came Julian with a bag full of boxes.

"What are those?" I asked as he placed them in front of me.

"Gifts, Your Majesties. From the other Monarchs. King Francis sends multiple gifts for his godson, The Emperor of Spain, The King of Norway, The King of Denmark, and the Grand Duke of Russia have so far sent gifts." He explained and Henry grinned.

"The Duke of York gets many gifts! But not as much as the Prince of Wales! Take them to our quarters, Julian. Vicky and I shall open them later." henry announced.

Julian bowed his head before taking the bag back and walking out of the room.

"Give me my son," I stated as I walked towards Charles. He stared at me for a moment before bowing his head and lowering Albert into my arms. He fussed softly before opening his eyes and staring at me.

"Bonjour mon fils. Tu vas bien." (Hello my son. You are well.) I whispered as I bounced him softly and made my way towards his cradle. I bent down as I lowered him into his cradle and brushed his dark hair back.

At least that I knew came from me.

"Je t'aime mon fils. Je vous dis de ne jamais l'oublier." (I love you my son. I bid you never forget it.) I whispered as I traced my fingers over his forehead.

He yawned softly before he closed his eyes and was fast asleep.

"How are you so well with children?" Mary asked and I raised an eyebrow at my sister-in-law.

"I'm sorry?"

"I mean how are you so patient? My mother loved us but she was never patient with us. She was easy to anger." Mary said and I smiled softly as I stood up.

"I have always loved children, Mary. When I married your brother and met Mary. My love only grew stronger. It will change when you birth your babe." I promised as Henry made his way over to me and smiled as he wrapped his arm around me.

I looked up at him and he smiled at me. I leaned into his touch before Morgana cleared her throat.

"It is time for you two to walk out onto the balcony and greet the crowd." She said and I nodded as I reached up to fix my crown and then my dress.

"Jonathan, will you stay with Albert?" I asked and my brother smiled at me before bowing his head.

"Of course little sister."

Henry offered me his arm and I allowed him to lead me outside and I waved as I saw the huge crowd waiting for us.

Henry lifted his hand as well and waved to the crowd. I picked Mary up and placed her in front of me on the bench that was placed there.

"People of England! Thank you for coming here today! To help celebrate the christening of now my second son Prince Albert Tudor, The future Duke of York!" He called out and everyone cheered.

"Many thanks must go to my wife Queen Victoria! For she has blessed England with a healthy heir and a healthy Duke as well!" Henry said and I flinched as he almost said spare. But that is what Albert is.

In case Edward dies, Albert will inherit the throne.

I tried to smile as I waved to the crowd before clearing my throat.

"It means so much to me that you are all here! I thank you for all of your prayers during my labor and during the birth of Prince Albert! I thank you all!"

The three of us stood there for a moment waving to everyone again before we turned and made our way inside. I saw Albert awake in Jonathan's arms and he was crying. I sighed softly as I rushed towards him and took my son in my arms.

"Vous Allez bien Albert. Chut, Maman est là." (You are alright Albert. Shh, mommy is here.)

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