Chapter Nine: My Wedding

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Victoria of Cambridge

June 21st, 1518

I smiled as Mother finished pulling my hair back and into a low bun. Today was the day I finally marry Henry. After all the hard work I have done since I realized I loved him.

"Are you nervous? You are about to wed the King of England." Mother said and I stared at her for a moment and smiled.

"I love Henry. He loves me. I am more than ready." I said as a maid walked over with a crown. I held my hand up and she stopped.

"No diamonds."

She stopped for a moment before bowing her head and turning away

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She stopped for a moment before bowing her head and turning away. When she came back she had a flower crown in her hands and gently placed it on my head.

"There you go, Your Highness." She said and my mother chuckled softly.

"Only a Princess for a couple more days. Then you become Your Majesty." She said and I smirked softly in the mirror.

"I want to get dressed now," I said and the maids all went to grab my dress. My mother held my hair as I stepped into my dress and the maids began to tighten the dress. I held my hand near my stomach and smiled.

On my wedding day, I was two months pregnant. Henry announced it to those of importance that we were expecting our first child. I know he is praying for a boy and I pray I can keep this child in me long enough.

"Are you ready? Your father is in the carriage waiting for you." Mother said and I stared at myself for a moment before nodding.

"Beyond ready," I whispered before my maids helped me carrying my dress outside and into the carriage. My father smiled when he saw me and kissed both my cheeks.

"You look beautiful Vicky. Are you ready?" He asked as I closed the door and we began our journey towards Westminster Abbey.

"Beyond ready. Ever since my dress was finished I have been waiting for this moment." I said and he chuckled as he smoothed my dress out.

"I am so proud of you Vicky. No matter what happens, your family will support you no matter what." He said and I smiled as I turned to him.

"I have the Pope on my side, people of the Catholic faith, and I am slowly gaining respect from Henry's council. If he would try to get rid of me I will take him down with me." I hissed and my father stared at me before nodding.

"You remind me of his mother. Elizabeth of York. She was a strong woman."

"I look up to her," I whispered before we arrived at the church. My door opened and I heard cheers of the people waiting around the church. My father climbed out first before turning and offering me his arm. I gladly took it and waved to the people before I grabbed my small flowers from Emilia and grinned when I saw Mary standing in front of the girls.

"Remember, if they are out of line you have the power to yell at them," I whispered and she smiled before I stood in front of them and we all began our journey inside. Everyone rose when they saw us and I could not help but smile at all the people.

When we reached Henry he turned around and smiled at me. I watched as his eyes filled up with tears before he blinked them away.

"Who shall give this woman to this man?" Archbishop Sussex asked and my father smiled.

"As her father I do." He said before he placed my hand in Henry's and smiled.

"May God bless you both." My father whispered before he went and sat with my mother and my brothers. I turned to Henry who smiled.

"You look beautiful." He whispered and I smiled softly.

"You look so handsome my love," I said before we turned to the Archbishop.

"We are all here today to watch as these two people become one in marriage. Your Majesty, if you may, please repeat after me."

"I, Henry Tudor, take thee, Victoria Cambridge, as my wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth."

"Your Highness, please repeat after me," Archbishop said and I cleared my throat.

"I, Victoria Cambridge, take thee, Henry Tudor, to be my wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to , till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth."

Henry took my ring from Charles and smiled softly.

"With this Ring, I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen." He said and I grinned softly.

"Amen," I repeated before I felt someone next to me and I looked down to see Mary. I took the bracelet from Emilia and bent down in front of Mary.

"Mary, I vow as your stepmother to be there when you need me. To give you advice as best as I can. I vow to love you as my own because you are. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." I said as I slipped the bracelet onto her arm.

"As we have witnessed here in front of these guest and in front of God these two join together in marriage. May God bless this marriage and bring healthy sons and daughters." Archbishop Sussex said and everyone cheered.

"May I introduce for the first time His Majesty King Henry VIII and his wife Her Highness Princess Victoria!" Archbishop said and everyone stood up and bowed.

"Long live the King and Queen!" Charles bellowed and everyone repeated it. I took Henry's hand in mine and he grinned.

The people respected me enough to call me Queen without a coronation or royal blood in my system.

"Long live the King," I whispered to Henry before he pulled me in and kissed me.

"Long live the Queen."

Henry's Outfit for the wedding

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Henry's Outfit for the wedding

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