Chapter Forty-Five: Marriage Talk

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Queen Victoria of Cambridge 

September 14th, 1519

I sat beside Henry in his office as we went through the letters that were sent to both of us. I reached for the letter from the Holy Roman Emperor and smiled as I opened it. 

My eyes racked over for a moment before I smiled at Henry. 

"Charles says his wife is finally pregnant. If the child lives he would like for me to be the godmother." I stated as I folded the letter and leaned back. 

"The way he speaks is if he hopes the child does not live," Henry said and I sighed as the baby kicked and I rubbed my stomach.

"She badly wants to give him a living child. She fears the mistress will give him a son before she can." I explained and Henry stared at me for a moment before nodding. 

"You gave me my heir Vicky." 

"You still need a spare. And from those letters, you hide. There is another." I whispered and Henry stared at me for a moment before clearing his throat.

"Let us pray that she carries this baby to term," Henry said before we heard a knock and a pageboy opened the door before stepping inside. 

He bowed his head low before standing up and smiling. 

"The Duke of Suffolk requests an audience with both of you." He said and I raised an eyebrow at the pageboy before turning to Henry. 

"An audience? It's Charles for heaven's sake." I said but Henry raised his hand. 

"It must be serious if he wants an audience. Let him in." Henry said as he reached over and grabbed my hand. I smiled softly at him before the door opened again and in came Charles. 

"Your Majesties." He said as he bowed his head to the both of us before standing up. 

"Is something wrong Charles? You have never requested an audience with me before." Henry asked as Charles walked to the front of the desk and sat down. 

"Yes, it is about your sister Mary. Nothing is wrong with her but ever since we married it has been hard to get away from her to perform my duties." He said and both Henry and I fought the urge to smirk. 

"Charles, Mary wants a child very badly. But as I told her if it is God's will then it shall happen." I said as I rubbed my stomach and I saw the look Charles shot me. 

"If you would like I could try to speak to my sister? Explain to her." Henry said and Charles sighed. 

"Please Henry. She is so desperate for a child." Charles said and Henry nodded as he leaned over and pressed a kiss to my forehead before standing up. 

"I shall go find her now. She should be in the library right now correct?" Henry asked as he stood up and fixed his crown.

"Yes, she stays there for about two hours reading to the court children," Charles said and I nodded. 

"I asked her to take over for me until I return to my public duties." I offered and Charles stared at me for a moment. 

"Alright, I will try to be back soon. Charles, please stay here with Vicky. She is just answering some letters." Henry stated before the doors opened and he walked out. 

For a couple of minutes, Charles and I sat in silence before a pain washed over me and I let out a gasp. 

"Are you alright?" He asked as he jumped to his feet. 

"Yes, I think that was just the baby giving me a sharp kick," I whispered as I rubbed the lower left side of my stomach where the pain came from. 

"How much longer?" 

"Only two months. They predict before Christmas time." I explained as I leaned back and breathe softly. 

"Ce n'est pas encore votre heure." (It's not your time yet.) I murmured and Charles chuckled. 

"My mother always told me, children, come at their own time and pace. You could give birth sooner." He said and I shot him a look. 

"I know how much you wish this child is yours. And how much you wished Edward had been yours as well." I began as I stared at him. 

"But I waited far too long to give your father an answer. Then you came to court and Henry instantly fell for you." He said and I smiled. 

"They never told me it was you until I was pregnant with Edward. I would not have mind being a Duchess instead of a Queen. I would have even been happy being a Countess." I added but Charles shook his head. 

"Tu devais être reine." (You were meant to be Queen.) He said and I smiled softly at Charles. 

"You will be happy with Mary. Charles give her a chance." I murmured and Charles stared at me for a moment before inhaling. 

"Is that an order?" 

"I beg your pardon?" 

"Are you ordering me to give her a chance?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Is that what it will take for you to give her a chance?" I asked as I stood up and stared at him. His eyes did not leave mine for a brief minute before nodding. 

"Yes, it will." 

"Alright then. Charles, I order you to give your wife a chance. I strongly believe you will grow to love her and the family you could create." I firmly stated and Charles bowed to me. 

"Ta volonté est ma commande, Ma Reine." (Your will is my command, My Queen.) He said as he stood up and smirked softly at me. 

"Faites en sorte que ce soit le cas." (See to it that it is.) 

Soon the door opened and in came Morgana smiling. She bowed to both Charles and I before turning her attention to me. 

"It is time for your visit with the midwife so she may check on you." She said and I nodded as I reached for my cloak and drapped it over my shoulders. 

"Shall I see you at dinner?" I asked Charles as I made my way towards Morgana. 

"No, Henry has me riding to the country to retrieve something." He said and I raised an eyebrow before nodding. 

"Alright. You have your orders, Duke." I whispered before I followed Morgana out of the office and towards the midwives tower. 

"What is Henry having Charles retrieve from the country?" I asked and Morgana stiffened. 

"I believe he is retrieving a letter from Lady Anne? Rumor is her daughter who has been ill for a since the wedding and they do not believe she will get better." 

"That poor child. Lady Isabella had no fault with her mother. She should not suffer." 

"I agree, Your Majesty." 

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