Chapter Eleven: Half Way There

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Queen Victoria 

July 20th, 1518

As time has passed since I have been crowned Queen many things have changed. Word has spread that I was now Queen and Henry and I had to accept gifts that have been sent. 

I was now showing more than I was pregnant than before. I was now five months pregnant and halfway through with my pregnancy. My first of hopefully many. 

I watched as my new lady, Lady Megan came forward with the crown jewels that Henry had made for me and placed it on my head. 

"There we go. Now you look like a proper Queen." Megan said and I glared at her. 

"If you know one thing about me Lady Megan. I am nothing of a regular Queen. Learn that quickly." I hissed as I stood up and strode out of my room and towards the throne room. 

My new guard Lord Julien quickly fell into step beside me and I smiled. 

"Where did my husband find Lady Megan?" I hissed and Lord Julien smiled. 

"From Scotland, Your Majesty. Do you not like her?"

"No, she believes because she is older she knows everything. She needs to learn her place." I said and Julien smiled. 

"She will, Your Majesty." He said before the doors of the throne room opened and everyone stopped when they saw me. As I walked past everyone they all bowed to me. 

"Elle ne sera jamais la Reine Catherine." (She will never be Queen Catherine) I heard someone say earning me to stop and face the group of ladies who were known to be loyal to Catherine. 

"Non, Je serai plus grand que la Princesse douairière." (No, I will be greater than the Princess Dowager) I responded and they gasped at me. 

"Tu parle français?" (You speak French?)

"Non, Je le maîtrise." (No, I master it) I said with a smile before I rubbed my swollen belly and walked towards Henry who smiled. 

"You handled that wonderfully. What languages do you know again?" He asked as he kissed my hand and pulled my throne closer to him. 

"I know Spanish, French, Latin, German, Dutch, and Swedish," I said and I watched as Henry's eyes lit up. 

"The new German Emperor will visit after his coronation celebrations. I want you to befriend his wife." He said as people began lining up with gifts. 

"Isabella of Portugal, is the Emperor Catherine's nephew?" I asked and Henry nodded as a gold necklace was brought forward. 

"Yes, and he sends this gift to you." He said and I smiled softly. 

"His Holiness has a wonderful taste," I said before I nodded for Julien to take it. 

"Next is this silver goblet," Charles said and Henry sat up. 

"It is a fine goblet. Bring it closer, who is it from?" 

"From the Princess Dowager, Your Majesty." Charles read from the list earning me to gasp. 

"Get rid of it! Now!" I hissed and the boy holding the box jumped back before nodding. He bowed his head slowly before turning and rushing away. 

"Do not let her ruin this moment. She cannot ruin anything. Not even our child." He said before I gasped. 

"Vicky? What is it?" Henry asked and I placed a hand on my belly and smiled. 

"Our baby just kicked," I said and Henry chuckled before he knelt down in front of me and placed both his hands on my belly. He rubbed his hands on my belly for a moment before two kicks came. 

"That was a very healthy kick!" He annouced and everyone cheered.

"Growing inside of me is a very healthy baby," I said and Henry quickly kissed me. 

"A healthy boy, I know it." He said before he sat down beside me and more gifts came. 

"A crown for Her Majesty from King Francis of France," Charles said and I looked forward to seeing a silver crown with blue gems attached to it. 

"This is a beautiful tiara. Send a note to His Majesty thanking him." I said to Emilia who nodded as she took the box. 

"See, other people accept you as Queen. You have already done one thing Catherine could not." 

"Which is what?" I asked as more flowers came forward. 

"You have stood up to so many people and have acted like a Queen and not a child. Along with the fact you have already given me a child on the way. With our first pregnancy, the child died inside of her within six months." Henry said and I raised an eyebrow. 

"The only good thing that came from Catherine was Mary. Our beloved daughter. I see her as my own Henry." 

"As you should. Now let us continue to accept these gifts." 

Lady Megan

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Lady Megan

Lord Julien

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Lord Julien

Crown from King Francis of France

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Crown from King Francis of France

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