He Makes You Feel Good

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*Your POV*

"*sigh* Ni, wake up baby, it's Saturday, gym time." I say in hope to wake Niall up from his deep sleep. It takes a few minutes but he finally opens his eyes, looking straight into mine and making me feel lost in his beautiful blue orbs.

"Morning beautiful" he says. The first words he speaks to me every single day. 2 simple words that can make my heart melt. Those 2 words help me so much and they really make me feel beautiful. 

"Morning Ni. You ready for the gym? I've got breakfast ready downstairs so get ready, we'll eat and then head off." I say before exiting the room and giving him time to get ready.

Not long after, I see him walking down stairs and run straight into his arms. I love times like this even if I just saw him 10 minutes ago. 

After we eat breakfast, we head off to the gym. We do our usual Saturday workout with Mark (who else misses Mark? :(). Once that's over, we head home exhausted from our workout.

*Niall's POV*

Look at her, damn, she's amazing. I'm already exhausted after 1 hour and she's still going strong. She's so beautiful and I just wish she would see that.

Once we arrive home, it's time to take showers because we always feel gross. Usually we would shower separately, but today, I don't think I can do that.

"Baby, whad'ya say we shower together? Save some water?" Please say yes. Please say yes.

"Of course Ni." Yes, she said yes!

I pick her up straight away and take her right up to our ensuite. I turn the water on and she begins to undress me from head to toe. After, I begin to undress her, taking her workout pants off first, and then her sports bra. Damn. 

"You're so beautiful. I love you so much baby girl." It's so true. She's stunning. She blushes right after my words. Gosh, she's so cute.

"Nah. Not as beautiful as you." She winks, making me laugh.

"No, I really mean it. I hate the way you look at yourself in the mirror. I feel like I'm not doing my role good enough. You should be feeling beautiful. It's ok to feel insecure sometimes, we all do, but you shouldn't. Any girl would die to have a body like yours, you're so perfect. Everything about you is perfect and you've exceeded my expectations of my dream girl. I'm so lucky to be able to call you mine. Don't ever think you're not beautiful baby girl, because damn, you are. I could take you right here, right now, but I'm too exhausted. Maybe later" I wink. "You're so damn beautiful Y/N, I love you so much."

*Your POV*

Gosh, he has such a way with words. He can always make me feel beautiful.

"I love you so much Ni, thank you so much."

"It's just the truth baby girl. Now lets hop in the shower." 

We both jump into the shower and the rest of the day consisted of us cuddling up on the couch while watching cute movies and eating a range of junk; going from chips and chocolate to pizza for dinner.

He makes me feel so beautiful.

There we have it! I still have a few hours before bed, so I'll try to re update a few more imagines tonight, but this is the first one I've re-done. I started this from scratch, just keeping the idea and name the same. 

I hope you guys liked it, and don't forget to vote and comment <3

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